1 CMAQ and the New Air Quality Standards Air Quality Team, FHWA Summer, 2004
2 Topics Background on CMAQ CMAQ and the New NAAQS CMAQ and Reauthorization New Areas and CMAQ Eligibility CMAQ Tracking System
3 Background on the CMAQ Program
4 CMAQ Background Created by ISTEA of ’91, reauthorized by TEA-21, expected to continue Funds transportation projects and programs to help achieve and maintain NAAQS for Ozone, CO, and PM-10 Jointly administered by FHWA and FTA in consultation with EPA
5 CMAQ Overview $14.1 billion program under ISTEA and TEA-21 Apportioned to States based on: Population in ozone and CO areas Severity of the air quality problem All States guaranteed a 0.5% minimum apportionment More than $13 Billion invested in 15,000 AQ projects since 1992
6 CMAQ Funding by Project Type (FY )
7 Flexible Funds for Transit (FY 1992 – FY 2002) Cumulative Transfers – CMAQ $5,051M – STP $3,464M – Other $699M – Total $9,214M
8 CMAQ and the New NAAQS
9 Underlying Principle of CMAQ $$: Funding should be proportional to AQ problem The CMAQ formula is statutory ( see 23 USC 104 ) New areas designated, but not covered by current statute (Title 23) SAFETEA addresses 8-hr ozone, PM 2.5
10 Air Quality: New Ozone Nonattainment Areas
11 Air Quality: Potential PM 2.5 Nonattainment Areas EPA: 244 counties. Designations expected by end of 2004.
12 CMAQ and Reauthorization
13 Reauthorization of Surface Transportation Funding: SAFETEA The last funding Act, TEA-21, covered FY ’98 – ‘03 and sunset 9/30/03. Administration proposed SAFETEA in May 2003… But Congress has yet to pass a new law Current: short-term reauthorizations and continuing resolutions
14 CMAQ Authorization Levels * Administration proposal
15 Funding under 3 bills SAFETEA: $8.9 billion for CMAQ ($256 billion total) Senate: $13.4 billion ($341 billion) House: $9.4 billion ($285 billion)
16 More Areas, More Funding?? More than 120 new counties will be nonattainment for 8-hour ozone More than 240 counties projected to be nonattainment for fine PM
17 Reauthorization: CMAQ and SAFETEA CMAQ Apportionment formula Administration proposed formula changes to adopt new NAAQS Senate (S.1072) adopted our changes House (HR 3550) has not Changes to reflect the new NAAQS are expected, but when?
18 TEA-21 Weighting Factors
19 SAFETEA Weighting Factors
20 TEA-21, SAFETEA Differences
21 SAFETEA & New Pollutants New 8-hr ozone areas weight = 1.0 New PM 2.5 areas weight = 1.2 Multiple pollutants earn extra weight 1-hr ozone factors (marginal to extreme) will take precedence in FY05
22 Reauthorization Scenarios 1) SAFETEA passes in FY04 2) SAFETEA passes in FY05 3) Wild card– New NAAQS provisions not adopted??
23 If SAFETEA (new NAAQS provisions) passes in FY04 FY05 apportionments would reflect new law 8-hr areas would be included Where 1-hr and 8-hr overlap, 1-hr would take precedence No 1-hr areas removed from CMAQ apportionment formula PM 2.5 areas will not be included
24 If SAFETEA Passes in FY04 FY 1-hr ozone std. revoked (expected June 2005) 1-hr areas will be removed from formula 8-hr areas will remain in the formula PM 2.5 areas designated (expected December 2004) Include in FY06 apportionments
25 If SAFETEA passes in FY05 Initial FY05 apportionments will be made according to TEA-21 formula Leave out 8-hr; PM 2.5 Final FY05 apportionments will be redone once SAFETEA is signed to include 8-hr areas
26 Wild card?? Congress could pass something different Impossible to guess OR Congress could fail to adopt new NAAQS provisions FY05: 8-hr not included (formula based on 1-hr and CO areas) FY06: 8-hr, PM 2.5 not included (formula based on CO only!)
27 Even if No Bill is Passed… New areas can spend CMAQ funds once they have been designated However, States will not be apportioned funds for 8-hr / PM 2.5 areas without new legislation
28 Early Action Compacts No statutory basis for including EACs in apportionments—nonattainment is deferred No draft bill brings EACs into the formula Exception is EACs that are 1-hour ozone maintenance—they remain in the formula
29 Areas no longer identified as NA or maintenance are out of the formula and ineligible for CMAQ investment Existing CMAQ guidance features some flexibility and transition for these areas Updated guidance is under discussion Former CMAQ Areas
30 New Areas and CMAQ Eligibility
31 CMAQ Projects Must …be a Transportation Project …in a NA/Mtce area …that reduces emissions
32 CMAQ and Creativity: Examples Station Cars/ Car Sharing Boston, Seattle HD Diesel Retrofits CA Truck Stop Electrification NYC Intermodal Freight Ohio, Maine, NYC New Fuels - Fuel Cell Buses Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, LA ITS – Transit and Road Everywhere Public-Pvt. Partnerships Jersey City, Chicago, Atlanta Parking Cash Out Glendale I/M & Remote Sensing WI, NY, DC, IN, IL, NJ Transit-Oriented Dev. Portland, Minneapolis
33 Areas New to CMAQ? MPOs need to develop a CMAQ project selection process Involve partners and stakeholders Transparent, codified Annual CMAQ reports
34 Basic CMAQ Eligibility… Eligible projects include: transit improvements shared ride services traffic flow improvements demand management bicycle and pedestrian projects alternative fuels inspection and maintenance programs freight services experimental pilots public / private partnerships
35 CMAQ Eligibility Idle Reduction projects Freight projects (intermodal) Rail / truck / barge Diesel Retrofit projects On-road: Freight and buses Off-road: construction equipment Conformity credit issue
36 Traffic Congestion Truck and Rail Flows
37 Alternative Fuels Biodiesel Projects Yes, but probably not in NO x -limited areas Hybrids
38 Other Issues Operating costs-3 year limit Vehicle lease as capital cost Increased emphasis on meeting ADA requirements
39 CMAQ Reporting Requirements
40 CMAQ Tracking System
41 CMAQ Tracking System Benefits of using the system Standardize data Create reports for your State Upload vs. entering individual projects
42 Expected Emissions Benefits (VOC, FY2000)
43 index.htm (CMAQ Coordinator) (AQ Team Leader)
44 Questions??