1 Gorge EI Analysis Presented to the Gorge Study Technical Team By Christopher Swab Air Quality Division, Technical Services June 20, 2007
2 Gorge EI Data: 2004 and 2018 Episodes Domain-wide analysis * Point source SOx breakdown * NOx PSAT Realm EI analysis (SMOKE reports) * Different day than domain-wide * Area * Nonroad * Natural Sources (biogenic + geogenic) * Industrial point sources * On-road not included in this presentation on-road EI data not provided Source type is EPA convention: SCC * Area source type includes wildfires
4 Primary Metal Production: Aluminum Ore SO2, Tons Per Day Aug-04Aug-18Nov-04Nov-18 Washington: Chelan Co Washington: Clark Co Washington: Klickitat Co All Other Domain Counties0000 Pulp and Paper and Wood Products SO2, Tons Per Day Aug-04Aug-18Nov-04Nov-18 Washington: Walla Walla County Oregon: Clatsop County Oregon: Columbia County All Other Domain Counties
6 PSAT Realms
11 Secondary Metal Production: Aluminum-Fluxing: Chlorination: Chlorine Demagging – Wasco County, Oregon Aug-04=0 Aug-18=44.2 Nov-04=0 Nov-18=41.2 All Other Industrial Point Source Emissions Estimates Aug-04=0.1 Aug-18=0.1 Nov-04=0.1 Nov-18=0.1 PSAT Realm 1: Industrial Point Sources PM25, tons per day