CHEM 2411 Review What did you learn in Organic Chemistry I?
Chapter/sections from Klein (2 nd edition) you should already know: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10.2, , 13.1, 14.2, 14.11, 15.16, 18.2, 20.2, 21.2, 21.3, 21.6, 23.2 CHEM 2411 Review
Drawing structures Lewis Condensed Line-angle Functional groups Alkane, alkene, alkyne, aromatic, alkyl halide, alcohol, ether, carbonyl, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, acid chloride, ester, amide, acid anhydride, amine, nitrile, thiol Nomenclature For all functional groups listed above Isomerism Constitutional Stereoisomers CHEM 2411 Review Topics
Structure an bonds Bond strength Primary, secondary, tertiary carbons Bond and molecular polarity Physical properties Intermolecular forces BP Solubility Hybridization Atomic orbitals Hybrid orbitals Which orbitals are used in sigma bonds? Pi bonds? CHEM 2411 Review Topics
Resonance Resonance structures Which structures contribute to hybrid structure? Electron movement Acids and bases Brønsted-Lowry How to predict acid strength? Lewis Alkane conformations Staggered vs. eclipsed Torsional strain Steric strain CHEM 2411 Review Topics
Cycloalkane conformations Angle strain Cyclohexane chair vs. boat Alkene stability Cis or trans? More substituted or less substituted? Stereochemistry R and S Chiral center (stereocenter), enantiomers, diastereomers Meso compounds Racemic mixture Cis and trans E and Z CHEM 2411 Review Topics
Mechanisms Symmetrical/homolytic/radical Unsymmetrical/heterolytic/polar Nucleophile and electrophile Electron motion Energy diagrams Reaction types Addition Elimination Substitution Rearrangement Oxidation Reduction CHEM 2411 Review Topics
Radical reactions Halogenation of alkanes Mechanism steps, catalyst Substitution/Elimination reactions S N 1 S N 2 E1 E2 CHEM 2411 Review Topics