2004 SARX-2004: IX Latin American Seminary of Analysis by X-Ray Techniques October 25-29, 2004, La Falda-Córdoba, ARGENTINA Workshop: Jim Kaduk, M. Delgado (Info about ICDD, PDF-2, PDF-4, etc.) 2005 X-Ray Powder Diffraction Workshop (Satellite of the Venezuelan Chemical Society meeting) November 2-4, Mérida-VENEZUELA Invited Instructors: Jim Kaduk, Micaela Brunelli, Gavin Vaughan, Bob He, Ron Benson (Info about ICDD, PDF-2, PDF-4, etc.) REGIONAL CO-CHAIRS -South America-
2006 SARX-2006: X Latin American Seminary of Analysis by X-Ray Techniques November 20-24, 2006, Arica-CHILE Workshop:.... ( X-Ray Powder Diffraction Workshop February 2007, LNLS-Campinas-BRAZIL (LNLS: ‘Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory’) CPD (IUCr) sponsored ‘Invited’ Instructors: Bill David, Brian Toby, Andy Fitch, Peter Stephens, ….. XVIII International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS) -School on Chemistry of the Organic Solid State- “X-Ray Diffraction” July 2007, Mérida-VENEZUELA
XVIII International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS) -School on Chemistry of the Organic Solid State- “X-Ray Diffraction” July 2007, Mérida-VENEZUELA SCOPE: Photochemistry Microporous materials, Metal-organic framewoks, Biomaterials, Biomineralization, Reactions of Organic Compounds in the Solid State Crystal Growth, Crystal Engineering, Polymorphism (particularly in Pharmaceuticals Structure Determination from Powder Data, Structure Prediction Applications of NMR and other related techniques. The School will include lectures on fundamental aspects of materials and lectures on two particular techniques: X-ray Diffraction and NMR. -NATO Style-