Material Science (Code: PE 217 ) Prepared by: Dr. Ehssan Nassef Pharos University in Alexandria Faculty of Engineering. Petrochemical Department
112. Lecture: E112. Sunday– from ……8:30.. to 11:20 A.m Lab: F101. Tuesday: from 2:30-4:20 P.m Tuesday: from 2:30-4:20 P.m Thursday: from 1:30 to 3:20 P.m Thursday: from 1:30 to 3:20 P.m Instructor: Dr.Ehssan Nassef Room: E 128 Office hours: Monday from 9:30 to 2:20 Office hours: Monday from 9:30 to 2:20 Thursday from 12:30 to 1:20 Thursday from 12:30 to 1:20 …………………………………………………………. Course code: PE 217 Course title : Material Science. Pre-requisite: Engineering Physics (1),BE121
Course Aim: At the end of this course the students will be well known of the following: Atomic structure and interatomic bonding. The structure of crystalline solids. Grain size determination. Imperfections in solids. Mechanical properties of metals (true stress and strain, hardness,etc) Thermal proprieties(thermal expansion and conduction) Polymer structure. Structure and properties of ceramics. Application and processing of ceramics and polymers. Corrosion and corrosion resistance material. Testing effect of service conditions on the properties of materials, properties of alloys and composites. Intended Learning outcomes:
Intended learning outcomes(ILO, S) A- Knowledge and understanding : a1. Acquire understanding The Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding. a2- Enable the student to deal with the Crystallographic Points and Directions in crystal system. a3- Identify the imperfection in solids and the classification of defect. a4- Examine the Rheology and mechanical properties of metals. a5- Describe polymer and its size. a6- Describe corrosion and its oxidation reactions. a7- Identify the structure and properties of ceramics. a8- Identify the structure and properties of composite..
b- Intellectual skills b1- Demonstrate structural elements of materials and their properties, processing” and “performance.” b2- Demonstrate the classification of materials, metals, Ceramics, Polymers and Composites. b3- Discover the Differentiation between Crystalline and Noncrystalline Materials. b4- Demonstrate the Imperfections in Solids and the classification of defects. b5- Detect the Mechanical Properties of Metals b6- Classify the polymers. b7- Demonstrate the composition of ceramics and composites and its properties.. c1. c2. c3..
C - Professional and practical skills d- General and transferable skills. d1- Enable the student to easy search about literatures topics. d2- Create an ordered structured report on subject of relevance to the course and their own interest.. c1 - Determine the point coordinates and directions. c2- Explain the meaning of the mechanical properties of metals. c3- Explain the polymer structures and its compositions. c4- Practice corrosion and its effects
WeekDateLectures 123/9/2012Introduction to the course 230/9/2012 Introduction in material science and Atomic structure 37/10/2012 Interatomic bonding and properties. 414/10/2012 The structure of crystalline solids. 521/10/2012 Grain size determination. 628/10/2012 AID EL-ADHA VACATION 74/11/2012 Imperfections in solids 811/11/2012 Mechanical properties of metals (true stress and strain, hardness,etc) 918/11/20129 th week exam
1025/11/2012Structure and properties of ceramics 112/12/2012 Thermal proprieties(thermal expansion and conduction 129/12/2012 Application and processing of ceramics and polymers 1316/12/2012 Corrosion and corrosion resistance material. 1423/12/2012 Testing effect of service conditions on the properties of materials, properties of alloys and composites Structure and properties of ceramics /12/2012 Final lab Exam 166/1/2012 Written Exams According to the schedule
Laboratory Experiments: Hardness of Aluminum, copper and steel. Determination of Average Grain Size Number in Ferrous Alloys. Tensile Behavior of Metal Alloys. Corrosion and corrosion control. Corrosion of ferrous Alloys
Teaching and learning methods - Lectures. -Tutorials -Laboratory Experiments. -- Presentation. Student assessment : A- Procedures used Assessment (1) 4 Quizzes during the semester. Assessment (2) Mid tem exam. Assessment (3) Two presentations. Assessment (4) Lab manual+Attendence Assessment (5) Lab Exam Assessment (6) Final written Exam
B- Schedule Assessment 1,four quizzes weeks 4,8,11,13 Assessment 2 Midterm Week 9 Assessment 3,4 during the semester Assessment 5 Final practical Exam week 15 Assessment 6 final written Exam week 16 C- Weighting of Assessment Four quizes+Presentations+Lab manual 20% Midterm Exam 20% Lab Exam 10% Final Written Exam 50%
List of references 1- Course notes Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering, by William D. Callister, Jr.,fifth edition, Required books (text books) 1- James F.Shackeford,”Introduction to Material Science For Engineers”,Mac Millian Publishing company, Recommended books 2-A.G.Guy “Introduction to material science “,Mc Grow Hill.Inc., Periodicals, Web sites, … etc