Program Cluster Workshop: Composite Materials Manufacturing January 28, 2011
Welcome and Overview (capability/trends) Review of Core Competencies Industry panel Discussion Educator Panel Discussion Skill identification, gap analysis Classroom/lab model, gap analysis Next steps, forum
In 2005 Composites was listed as one of the top 10 for employment opportunities in Snohomish County Entry level wages stood at $15-25/hr Boeing was one among many employers projecting a growth rate of 20%
9 colleges had some program connected to material science or composites 9 continue to be teaching to or are in the process of developing a related program Enrollment (FTEs) appears to have dropped from a high of 163 FTEs in 2003 to average of 81.9 FTEs in the past 5 years
Colleges Invested ◦ Clover Park ( , ) ◦ Columbia Basin ( ) ◦ Edmonds ( ) ◦ Everett ( , ) ◦ Peninsula ( ) ◦ Skagit ( ) Industry/Academic focus ◦ Aerospace ◦ Marine/Boat Building and repair ◦ Materials Science--transfer
College Total Bellingham 00.13/.03.13/.03 Clover Pk* NA Col Basin 35.16/2.6 Centralia 1.67/.14 Edmonds 5.65/ / /1.37 Everett 2.33/ / /.65 Highline 5.22/ /.2 Lake Wash 6.84/.44 Peninsula 1.78/.35 Skagit 21.16/2.47 Totals 50.16/ / / / /8.25 *Program new, not yet showing FTEs
Basic (Communication, Analyze, Competence) Measurement (Dimensions, Drawings) Math (Conversions, Geo/Trig/Alg, Statistics) Computer Teams/Teamwork Chemical Science (Handling, radioactive) Physical Science (mechanics) Material Science (Metals, plastics, ceramics) Materials testing Mat’ls Processing (Metals, Plastics, Composites, Wood
Industry Panel ◦ What you need? ◦ What do you value? ◦ Where do new employees tend to fail? ◦ Employment opportunities ◦ Tips for applicants
Program Focus Key competencies Time to master Lab/class construct ◦ Facility pros/cons ◦ Equip pros/cons Employers served
Refine Program offerings if needed Link to industry expectations Boost program output/potential Standardize curriculum Maintain dialogue Report back and review progress