Pennsylvania Standard 2.9.8 J. Geometry Standard Analyze geometric patterns (e.g., tessellations, sequences of shapes) and develop descriptions of the patterns.
Step 1: Evidence to Excellence Process Why study geometry? Discussion of the standard (Focus the discussion on: Geometry describes and provides understanding of the physical world. This description includes size, shape, position, and dimension.)
The Standard Ø What is the intent of the standard? Ø Identify the essential understandings. Ø What prior knowledge and understandings must students have in order to achieve this standard by grade 8? (focus on examples of what students should know and be able to do to answer the following questions at K-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8.)
Can students-- recognize, draw, construct, visualize, compare and analyze real and abstract geometric shapes that have one, two, and/or three-dimensional features? identify the characteristics that are necessary to classify and name geometric shapes and can they differentiate one shape from another?
Can students-- describe geometric shapes in terms of their relationships (relative size, position, orientation, congruence, similarity, and symmetry) with other shapes? compose or decompose geometric shapes into other geometric shapes?
Can students-- discover and express constant relationships within and between geometric shapes through measuring and looking for patterns and can students connect and relate these constant relationships to formulas?
Can students-- discover and express constant relationships within and between geometric shapes through measuring and looking for patterns and connect and relate these constant relationships to formulas?
The Standard Identify and describe the lessons/activities used to equip students with the needed knowledge and skills to achieve understanding? What would be acceptable as evidence that students understand?
Step 2: The Task Ø Was the language of the task clear? Ø Does the task provide an opportunity for students to have a relevant and meaningful experience that actively engages them in constructing their own knowledge? Analyze a task which addresses the standard
The Task Ø Does the task stimulate higher order thinking and discussion? Explain. Ø Did the task provide students an opportunity to work with significant ideas and relationships that are included in the standard?
The Task Ø If you would have given this task, what evidence would you use to determine if the student understood the content of the lesson?
Step 3: Student Work Ø Analyze the student work samples and provide their assessment of each sample of work. Ø What is the evidence that the student used good thinking and reasoning skills in completing the task? Share 4 samples of student work, WITHOUT identifying the evaluation of the work.
The Student Work Ø How does the student connect the mathematics they were learning to the real world?
The Student Work Ø How would you assess the work? Ø What is the evidence that the student achieved the goal of the task? Ø How would you assess the work? Ø Which pieces of student work achieve the understandings intended in the standard? To assess, Use the criteria you defined in step 2
The Student Work Ø What is the evidence that the student achieved the goal of the task? Ø How would you assess the work? Ø Which pieces of student work achieve the understandings intended in the standard? (Use the criteria you defined in step 2)
Step 4: The Assessment Ø Does the assessment fairly reflect the objectives of the task? Ø Based on the student work that you saw, and what you read and understood of the assessment, do you agree or disagree with the assessment of the task? Presents the assessment of the task. Explain answers to questions.
The Rubric Advanced - Student demonstrates comprehensive understanding of a geometric pattern by consistently identifying correct extensions of the pattern and clearly explaining its rationale. Proficient - Student demonstrates general understanding of the pattern by consistently identifying the correct extensions or by clearly explaining its rationale.
The Rubric Basic - Student shows basic understanding of the concept of the pattern by identifying an adequate number of correct extensions. Below Basic - Student shows minimal understanding of the pattern.
Step 5: The Reflection Ø How can the task be improved? Ø How can the assessment of the work be improved? Reflect on the assignment, student work, and assessment of the task
The Reflection Ø What additional evidence is needed to make this a more complete picture of student understanding of the concepts addressed?
The Reflection Ø What interventions should be considered to help students who do not yet understand the concepts? Ø As a result of looking at the student's work, are there things you will consider in your classroom in making assignments and in assessing student work? (Considerable time should be spent discussing strategies and interventions to ensure understanding)