DACA – Delayed Action for Childhood Arrivals (Undocumented) CAMP – College Assistance Migrant Program UHY - Unaccompanied Homeless Youth ALPHA – Conditional Admits SEITA – Foster Youth Refugees Human Trafficking Victims PJ Independent
Create transitions that lead to success in college and career for WMU students from foster ages years old. Integrating experiences from students past to create opportunities for their future Build a community of scholars Empower the scholars with the “Seven Life Domains” Philosophy 50 students admitted annually, over 200 matriculating Michigan has over 5600 youth in foster care Michigan DHS June 2013
College Readiness Assessment Customized Orientation and Welcome Week Campus Coach Support ( 24/7) Work study jobs Academic Support Midterm Grade Reports Exclusive First Year Seminar Provide Campus housing over semester break Emergency Funds Community supported
Given resident tuition rates Privately funded awards to assist with tuition May have some assistance for Residence Halls If work-eligible status assist with finding jobs on campus Assure confidentiality Support in Division of Multicultural Affairs
Philosophy to assist students in a successful first year of completion and persist to graduation. Citizenship required Recruitment from Michigan, Southern Texas and South Florida Grant supports 1 st Year Only Books and Tuition Assistance Tuition Assistance for Non -residents WMU assist with partial funding for residence hall Academic program support Support in Division of Multicultural Affairs FEDERALLY GRANT FUNDED Since Fall 2012
GOALS Transition successfully to academic challenges of WMU Develop a connection to WMU Develop a sense of personal responsibility Develop an increased sense of resiliency Supported by Center for Academic Success Programs 1 year, conditional-admission program 200 first-year students admitted yearly Average ACT 17 Average GPA 2.71
PROGRAM Contract Summer Pre-Orientation Success Series First Year Seminar requirement Community Service Component Work limits Restricted organization affiliations for 1 st year Remain University Curriculum for 1 st year Intrusive Advising Model Learning and Studies Strategies Inventory [LASSI] Major Exploration Student Profile Race/Ethnicity African American50% White35% Hispanic 8% 2 or more races 5% Asian 2% Female 63% Male 37%
Build positive relationships with students See students on walk-in basis Connections with outside agencies Discover other needs that may be barriers to success (housing, medical, food, emergency funds) Provide dignity and integrity Connect students with support services Advising, testing, academic support Disability services and counseling
Funded totally by a Private Donor Financial and Programming support for students who experienced time in foster care 24/7 access to program staff 25 students currently in program, donor goal is to support 50 students annually
Serves students from high schools that historically underprepare their students for college Summer Bridge Program Option Full Service: Academic Advising, Counseling, Financial Aid Liaison Assigned, Programming, Smaller Classes, Tutoring
Veteran’s Liaison Jack Kent Cook Transfer Student Program Single Parents Pell/ At Risk Review Students with Disabilities Packaging
Mentorship Access Guidance in College Increase the graduation rates among students who have experienced foster care or homelessness Provide students with an Independent Living Skills Coach Pair students with mentors that have similar career and educational interests Provide a safe and supportive environment for students who were once in foster care
Monthly workshops based on Casey Life Skills Assessment (Casey Family Programs) Periodic study sessions Social enrichment activities Emergency assistance for active participants Mentorship
The BrotherHOOD (Helping Others Obtain Degrees) is a university-wide initiative designed to engage, empower, retain and graduate more males of color at Eastern Michigan University. Success-driven approach to help males of color develop as students and as men instead of addressing deficits and challenges they need to overcome.
Initiative began in received grant to subsidize Barbershop ($3600) 2015 Living/Learning community in Residence Halls Over 80 students attending each Barbershop events this year