Session One: Phrases & Clauses Grammar Boot Camp Presents… Click your mouse to start!
This workshop will teach you to… –Identify & Write Phrases –Identify & Write Clauses Click mouse for next slide
Phrases Q: What is a phrase? A: A phrase is a group of related words NOT containing a subject or a verb. Subject Verb
Phrases Prepositional Infinitive Participial Gerund Group of Related Words Types of Phrases: Begins with a signal word: either a preposition, an infinitive, a participle or a gerund May be followed by a modifier: “the” or “a” Includes an object: noun or pronoun
Prepositional Phrase Begins with a preposition: aboutaboveacrossafteraround atbeforebehindbelowby downforfromininside intonearofoffon outsideoversincethroughto underuntilupuponwith
Prepositional Phrase The cadets marched through the woods. Everyone in the class wrote an essay. preposition modifier object preposition modifier object
Practice Pause… Identify the prepositional phrases in the sentences below: 1. The playful puppy ran around the yard. 2. My shoes are in the back of the closet. 3. The students listened with great interest.
Practice Pause… Identify the prepositional phrases in the sentences below: 1. The playful puppy ran around the yard. 2. My shoes are in the back of the closet. 3. The students listened with great interest. KEY
Infinitive Phrase Begins with “to” + verb: “to run” “to see” “to talk”
Infinitive Phrase To exercise every day is a good habit. I was relieved to finish my project. infinitive modifier object
Participial Phrase Begins with a verb ending in “-ed,” “-en,” or “-ing” “stopped” “chosen” “going”
Participial Phrase Jerry, carrying the suitcases, helped his Mom out of the taxi cab. Known for her patience, Mrs. Garcia was his favorite teacher. modifier object participle modifiers object
Practice Pause… Identify the participial phrases in the sentences below: 1. Being an excellent cook, Ryan hosted the dinner party. 2. Anne strolled down the path lined with roses. 3. The soda, frozen by the ice, was impossible to drink.
Practice Pause… Identify the participial phrases in the sentences below: 1. Being an excellent cook, Ryan hosted the dinner party. 2. Anne strolled down the path lined with roses. 3. The soda, frozen by the ice, was impossible to drink. KEY
Gerund Phrase Begins with a verb ending in “-ing” “giving” “reading” “writing”
Gerund Phrase Marching in unison builds teamwork. Alice enjoys taking afternoon classes. gerund modifier object modifier object gerund
Clauses Q: What is a clause? A: A group of related words containing a subject and verb. Subject Verb
Clauses Independent Dependent Group of Related Words with a Subject and Verb Types of Clauses:
Independent Clause Contains a subject and a verb Can stand alone
Independent Clause Del Mar is a community college. The SWC offers many services. subject verb subjectverb Can Stand Alone
Practice Pause… Identify the subject and verb of the following Independent Clauses: 1. I walk my dog every day. 2. Zeke hit his thumb with a hammer. 3. The politician gave three speeches today.
Practice Pause… Identify the subject and verb of the following Independent Clauses: 1. I walk my dog every day. 2. Zeke hit his thumb with a hammer. 3. The politician gave three speeches today. KEY
Dependent Clause Contains a subject and a verb Cannot stand alone Begins with a signal word— afteralthoughas becausebeforeif sinceuntilwhen whowhomwhose whoeverwhomeverwhosever what which Subordinating Conjunctions Relative Pronouns
Dependent Clause Because the student prepared for the exam The uniform that I am required to wear signal word subject verb signal word subject verb Cannot Stand Alone
Practice Pause… Identify the Dependent Clauses below: 1. Because he is a teacher, he travels during the summer. 2. As the player scored the winning goal, the crowd burst into cheer. 3. The book that I read is inspirational.
Practice Pause… Identify the Dependent Clauses in the sentences below: 1. Because he is a teacher, he travels during the summer. 2. As the player scored the winning goal, the crowd burst into cheer. 3. The book that I read is inspirational. KEY
Congratulations! You have successfully completed Session One of Grammar Boot Camp! For more information on Phrases & Clauses, visit a friendly, professional tutor at the Stone Writing Center. SW 104, East Campus