Culture of Europe
Dominant Religions of Europe Key: Green Protestant Christianity Blue Catholic Christianity Pink Orthodox Christianity Purple Sunni Islam Orange Shi’a Islam
British vs. American English British wordAmerican word Chipsfrench fries Crispspotato chips Biscuitscookies Boottrunk (in your car) Loobathroom Petrolgasoline Bloke/chapguy Lorrytruck Liftelevator Rubbishtrash Queueline
European Food Fish and chips (England) Bratwurst (Germany) Pasta with cheese, vegetables, and proscutto (Italy) Cheese fondue, Switzerland
French food French pastries French cheese – there are over 400 different types!
Renaissance Art “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci Sistine Chapel at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome by Michelangelo Above: “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci Left: “La Pieta” by Michelangelo
Impressionist Art “La Moulin de la Gallette” by Renoir Degas’ “The Star (Dancer on Stage)” Manet’s “A Bar at the Folies-Bergere” one of Monet’s famous waterlilies
European sports Football (soccer) is by far the most popular sport in Europe Imagine all our professional sports rolled into one and that’s how excited people get about football
British invasion Term coined in the 1960s when British groups, most notably the Beatles, became popular in the US
Other popular British music groups