(The ingredients of art) ELEMENTS OF ART (The ingredients of art) LINE SHAPE COLOR TEXTURE VALUE SPACE FORM
LINE- A path through space that can convey emotion.
LINE TYPES 1) STRAIGHT a) vertical b) horizontal c) diagonal 2) CURVED 3) WAVY 4) ZIGZAG 5) SPIRAL ALSO: Thick Thin Broken Parallel
Don Quixote, Pablo Picasso, 1955
Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh, 1889
Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh
Self-Portraits by van Gogh
The Scream, Edvard Munch, 1893
SHAPE- Areas created by connecting lines. Organic (nature) Geometric (triangle).
SHAPES rectangle circle square oval hexagon triangle octagon
Jazz Icarus, Henri Matisse, 1913
Student work
Three Musicians, Pablo Picasso, 1921
COLOR- Helps artists to communicate ideas more effectively.
Student work
Improvisation 3, Wassily Kandinsky, 1912
Oriental Poppies, Georgia O’keeffe, 1928
Waterlilies, Claude Monet, 1908
VALUE- The lightness or darkness of a color.
Portrait of Juliette Courbet , Gustave Courbet, 1841
Lizards, M. C. Escher, 1934
Guernica, Pablo Picasso 1937
TEXTURE- How something feels or appears to feel. (rough/smooth)
Grasshopper, M. C. Escher, 1934
SPACE- Creating the “illusion” of depth. (perspective)
Lane with Poplars, Vincent van Gogh, 1884
Butterflies, M. C. Escher, 1955
Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, George Seurat, 1884-1886
FORM- A 3D version of a 2D shape. Form has height, width, and depth.
FORMS sphere cylinder cube pyramid
Campbell’s Soup, Andy Warhol, 1968
Three Spheres, M. C. Escher, 1946
The Thinker, Auguste Rodin, 1881
American Gothic, Grant Wood, 1930