Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. – Types › Print Newspaper Magazine › Radio › Television › Internet
Newspaper › Late 1800s: rise of media pioneers in print industry › Competition peaked the public’s interest and popularity of print media Magazines › 1741: first magazine in America › By 1850 magazines were established as a mass medium FCC: little regulation over print media › Libel
1885 Heinrich Hertz- proved electricity can be transmitted in electromagnetic waves. › Introduced the idea that radio waves could be used for personal, mobile communication Regulation of radio › Congress pass legislation over wireless communication theory Radio Act of Beginning of radio regulation › Asserted public interest and public ownership › Broadcasters- fewer First Amendment rights than newspapers
1928: introduced in the U.S. › FRC issues first television license Development struggles › WWII › Struggle over wavelength allocations with new FM radio › Battle over government regulation FCC’s ruling that NBC had to sell on of its radio stations was upheld by the Supreme Court 1947: Beginning of commercial television
Internet › 1994: Yahoo! introduced internet radio broadcasting and internet television broadcasting
Events that changed news coverage › 1963: assassination of JFK Television › 1987: FCC repeals the Fairness Doctrine Radio broadcasters were able to express one political view without rebuttal › 2007: Virginia Tech Shooting Social media
All channels are used for all purposes