Effective Communication with the Media Module 6 RISK COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOP Paramaribo, Surinam, June 28-30, 2010
Contents Institutional Communication institucional and media How to work with the media Planning Media Plan The institutional spokesperson Media Monitoring
Mass Communication Media TV, radio, print press, internet, are the main intermediaries in the relationship institution- population No institution can do without the mass media. In the preparation, response and recuperation of a public health emergency these can play an essential role in the diffusion of information to ample quantitu of audiences in time record Nevertheless, sometimes they can influence disinformation, confusion and chaos.
Mass Communication Media Can be an instrument to denounce when finding lack of transparency, veracity and objectivity The mass media need news. When the official sources of information are not there for them, journalists will look in alternative sources, often not reliable.
Institutions and mass media have different objectives when communicating risks
The relationship between institutions, media and the public is complex
What do disaster managers expect from mass media? Engage mass media as partners, allies, colleagues May mass media become “amplifiers” for your messages. Discrepancies between institutions and mass communication media (1) What do they get? Mass media are critical observers Mass media are selective, sometimes they change the message and make “noise”.
Discrepancies between institutions and mass communication media (1) What do disaster managers expect from mass media? Mass media to show reality faithfully Mass media must disseminate uniformed reports about the situation and solely those recommendations done by “official sources”. What do they receive? Mass media (sometimes) build their reality Mass media do not find official spokespersons and make recommendations from different sources, not always competent and contradictory
Where do these problems arise from? Profound mutual ignorance between institutions-media Institutions are not sufficiently prepared to work with the media Lack of knowledge and experience on behalf of journalists on issues such as risk management and health Some media do not have enough resources (human and material) to prepare information.
What to do? To know the main characteristics of media (TV, radio, print, internet): internal structure, closing time, coverage, (national, local, international), advantages and disadvantages, political position. This will allow you to develop a more accurate and coordinated work Planning! Develop previous relationships with journalists from the main media, work trust and credibility, as well as before, during and after a public health emergency.
What to do? During the preparation it is important to insert in the agenda of media those issues related to risks and measures to protect population’s health. Meet with journalists, prepare the material. Remember that the media have the power to influence the concerns and perceptions of their audiences.
What to do? To influence the mass media requires creativity, persistance, research and sense of self-criticism. Health issues will be received and treated by the mass media depending on the strength shown through the arguments of the official authority.