ME Students: Richard Dzionara-Norsen Jeffery Flowerday Jonathan Nguyen IE Student: Kassandra Schlott Project Design Review
Background Current Product Problem Statement Constraints Stakeholders Customer Requirements Engineering Requirements Functional Decomposition Risk Assessment Schedule 2
3 The Skipper’s Chair is used to secure the user and allow access to the tiller, which is used for steering. The tiller is attached to the submerged rudder, which directs the sailboat. The 1st Senior Design iteration was developed for only one user, Richard Ramos. The 2nd Senior Design iteration strived to develop an ergonomic, safe, and comfortable design for the majority of the population. Picture courtesy of:
Successes: ● Fits in a regulation Sonar Sailboat ● Seat adjustable to 90% of individuals ● Contains quick release tiller Failures: ● Fails to maneuver Sonar Sailboat ● 117 lbs. ● Long installation time: - 30 min. assembly - 15 min. installation - 30 min. adjustment ● Many different custom parts machining hrs. 4
The scope of the project is to design a device that allows a disabled individual to act as a skipper on a Sonar sailboat. The ideal goal of the device is to steer the boat as a lightweight, and cheap design that is an easily manufacturable assistive sailing device. 5
Systemic: ● Non-permanent attachment ● Purely mechanical system ● Conformance to racing standards Independant: ● Budget ● Time 6
Caitlyn Connolly Richard Ramos Jr. Keith Burhans Volunteers of Piers Park 7
Needs to steer boat Removable chair system System should be used for more than one season Ease of adjustment to new user 9
Steps required to release rudder in emergency Minimize line cross-over Tools Needed Environmental Resistance to Wear Make seat vertically adjustable to boom height 11
15 Questions
Functional Decomposition Benchmarking Concept Development Testing Outline Risk Assessment Schedule 16
- Corrosion Testing - Galvanic Corrosion - Graphitic Corrosion - Crevice Corrosion - General Corrosion - Stress Analysis - Stress Concentrations - Ergonomic Compatibility - Hardness Testing - Steady Wear - Complete System Trial Runs 22
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