AASBO September 9, 2009
Governor Brewer is responsible for all ARRA funds ◦ 1607 Certification
LEAs that Receive Basic State Aid Not for profit charter schools LEAs that Receive other Federal Funds
Total Award $832 million Estimated IHE$332 million Estimated K-12$500 million Phase 1$555 million Phase 2$277 million Current Phase 1 Balance - $371 million
HB 2006 Section 14 ◦ Requires State to reduce BSA by $472.1 million “as soon as possible”
DateEstimated PaymentSFSFGF September 15$300 MM $0 October 15$300 MM$0$300 MM Oct 15/Nov 2*UnknownUp to $172 MM$0 December 1$300 + MMBalance of SFSFAmount less balance of SFSF. *NOTE: FY 2009 May 15 payment rolled to November 2
Application Available On ADE Grant Management System by Friday September 11 DUE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2009!!! Exactly the same as the last one.
Federal Cash Management Rules Apply State in the application the first month draw Additional months can be drawn down with cash management reports Distributions are made the first day of each month First distribution on October 1 LEAs may reimburse pre award costs
Any Use Authorized By ESEA (includes Impact Aid) IDEA AEFLA Perkins Act Capital Expenditures are Subject to Davis Bacon
Maintenance costs Capital costs for stadiums Vehicles Capital costs for district office space Cannot fund aquariums, zoos, golf courses, swimming pools.
SFSF Title I Part A IDEA Part B IDEA Part C Vocational Rehabilitation Grants Educational Technology Grant Impact Aid Independent Living Services 12
13 Quarterly Reporting Starts October 10 th – ◦ No waivers to reporting will be granted ◦ Non-compliance will be treated as a violation of the award agreement Transparency - all information will be available to the public through Recovery.gov and AZRecovery.gov Report through the AZ Department of Education
14 Quarterly Activities/Project Description Project Status Number of Jobs Created/Saved Description of Jobs Created
15 Sub-awards to Individuals Payments to vendors
Preschool through Postsecondary Elements: 1. A unique statewide student identifier that does not permit a student to be individually identified by users of the system; 2. Student-level enrollment, demographic, and program participation information; 3. Student-level information about the points at which students exit, transfer in, transfer out, drop out, or complete P-16 education programs; 4. The capacity to communicate with higher education data systems; 5. An audit system assessing data quality, validity, and reliability. Preschool through grade 12 Elements: 6. Yearly State assessment records of individual students; 7. Information on students not tested, by grade and subject; 8. A teacher identifier system with the ability to match teachers to students; 9. Student-level transcript information, including on courses completed and grades earned; 10. Student-level college readiness test scores. Higher Education Elements: 11. Information regarding the extent to which students transition successfully from secondary school to postsecondary education, including whether students enroll in remedial coursework; 12. Other information determined necessary to address alignment and adequate preparation for success in postsecondary education.