Date: Monday January 20 TSWBAT evaluate the accomplishments of Augustus; read and analyze information about the Emperors of Rome. Warm-Up: From your notes and reading packet, make a list of achievements that August accomplished; discuss why you believe these achievements were so important. Activity: complete packet and worksheet Packet due tomorrow if not completed in class today! Current Assignments Past Due Assignments Binder Pen/pencil What do I need for class today?
Date: Wednesday January 22 TSWBAT analyze the content of USA campaign posters; create a campaign slogan and poster for their chosen Emperor; present final product Warm-Up: get out your reading packet to discuss Activity: Look at campaign posters/fliers from the United States and discuss what they have in common and what message they are presenting; create a campaign slogan for your Emperor! Projects due today!! Current Assignments Past Due Assignments Binder Pen/pencil What do I need for class today?
Campaign Slogan After you randomly select your Emperor, you can choose to create a campaign slogan FOR or AGAINST voting for that person You must include: –A visually appealing campaign poster that includes a catchy slogan –An image of the person or a representation of them (drawn) –A script on the back of the poster showcasing the person’s skills as a leader (or lack of skills) --- you will need this to present the poster--- »Include at least 3-5 facts about this person on your script
Remember, this is a “campaign poster” from around the year 10 C.E!!! Be Creative on how you want to create the poster!
Date: Thursday January 23 TSWBAT create a campaign slogan for the Emperors that includes their POV, accomplishments, and either a ‘FOR” or “AGAINST” slogan Warm-Up: get into groups to complete campaign posters! Activity: create and complete a campaign slogan for your Emperor! Campaign Slogans Current Assignments Projects Reading packet on Augustus Caesar and Pax Romana Past Due Assignments Binder Pen/pencil What do I need for class today?
Date: Friday January 24 TSWBAT present their campaign slogan; read and evaluate the expansion of the Roman Empire and what resources Rome used to make it powerful Warm-Up: 15 minutes to complete posters! Activity: turn to page and read and answer the questions on your worksheet Notes Quiz Monday on Emperors of Rome and its expansion Current Assignments projects Past Due Assignments Binder Pen/pencil What do I need for class today?
Date: Thursday January 30 TSWBAT assess their understanding of the Emperors of Rome and evaluate the expansion of the Roman Empire and what resources Rome used to make it powerful Warm-Up: Present posters! Activity: Notes Check, then complete the Empire Expands Worksheet Empire Expands worksheet due tomorrow Current Assignments Project Emperors reading packet Emperors election sign quiz Past Due Assignments Binder Pen/pencil What do I need for class today?