MA #2 due Thursday Current events article due Friday
March 17, 2015
A. The Franks: Germanic tribe that conquered former Roman province of Gaul (current day France, western Germany) B. Clovis ( ): King of the Franks (first king of France) 1. Conquers remaining Romans and Germans in his region 2. Converts to Christianity. Why?
A. Charlemagne (“Charles the Great”) ( ): Takes control of the Frankish Kingdom when his father Pepin dies, starts the Carolingian Empire.
B. Military Accomplishments - Conquers northeastern Spain, Germany, Northern Italy - Reunites Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire - Appoints Missi Dominici: Officials who were sent all over Charlemagne’s Empire. - Spreads Christianity
What methods did Charlemagne use to spread Christianity in conquered regions? Do you think he was justified in using these methods? Why or why not? What was Charlemagne’s attitude towards education? How did he show this attitude?
C. Intellectual Achievements Monks and nuns ran schools and copied hundreds of Greek and Roman books by hand.
D. Charlemagne as Emperor A.D.: Charlemagne crowned Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III. - What’s in it for Charlemagne / The Pope?
- Char gets prestige, Pope gets protection - Revives the idea of Empire and a united Europe - Shows strength towards the Byzantine Empire, Muslims, etc. - Roman, Germanic and Christian culture is joining together to create a new civilization!
Does Charlemagne deserve the title of “Charles the Great?” Why or why not? Does Charlemagne’s reign confirm or contradict the fact that the Middle Ages were the “Dark Ages.”