Breakup of the Ottoman Empire Conflict Begins in the Middle East
The Middle East Today
The Ottoman Empire
Rise of the Ottoman Empire
Decline of the Ottoman Empire
An Excellent NPR Report on Partitioning of the Middle East (Click the Graphic Below)
The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire Create your own timeline of the Ottoman Empire.Create your own timeline of the Ottoman Empire Beginning of 1922 End of 1299 Beginning of 1922 End of the Ottoman EmpireOttoman Empire
The Main Players in WW 1 Nicholas II [Rus] George V [Br] Pres. Poincare [Fr] Allied Powers: Franz Josef [A-H] Wilhelm II [Ger] Victor Emmanuel II [It] Central Powers: Enver Pasha [Turkey]
Oil Discovered in Mesopotamia! First discovered in Persia in Turkish-Petroleum Co. [TPC] founded in 1911 Britain signed a secret agreement with the sheikh of Kuwait who, while outwardly pledging allegiance to the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul, promised exclusive oil rights to the British. Kuwait became a British protectorate in November, In 1927, oil was struck in Kirkuk, Iraq, and the Iraq Petroleum Co. [IPC] was created. First discovered in Persia in Turkish-Petroleum Co. [TPC] founded in 1911 Britain signed a secret agreement with the sheikh of Kuwait who, while outwardly pledging allegiance to the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul, promised exclusive oil rights to the British. Kuwait became a British protectorate in November, In 1927, oil was struck in Kirkuk, Iraq, and the Iraq Petroleum Co. [IPC] was created. Which of the Big 3 is this?
Hussein-McMahon Letters, Britain is prepared to recognize and uphold the independence of the Arabs in all regions lying within the frontiers proposed by the Sharif of Mecca.... Hussein ibn Ali, Sharif of Mecca Which of the Big 3 is this?
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916
The Arab Revolt:
The Allied Advance Against the Ottoman Turks Br. General Edmund Allenby Which of the Big 3 is this?
Zionism Theodore Herzl GOALS: The spiritual and political renewal of the Jewish people in its ancestral homeland of Palestine. Freedom from Western anti- Semitism. GOALS: The spiritual and political renewal of the Jewish people in its ancestral homeland of Palestine. Freedom from Western anti- Semitism.
British Promise to the Jews: Balfour Declaration, 1917 Sir Arthur James Balfour Br. Foreign Secretary His Majesty’s Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine… Which of the Big 3 is this?
1.5 million: A Portent of Future Horrors to Come! Turkish Genocide Against the Armenians
Prince Faisal at Versailles, 1918 Arab Disappointment!
The League of Nations Mandates
Treaty of Lausanne, 1923 Modern Turkey Is Born.
Mustafa Kemal “Atatürk” ( ) Empire to Republic Mustafa Kemal “Atatürk” ( ) Empire to Republic
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