11Dr. Samta Rai1 London Centre of Marketing ( LCM) Level: Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management & Marketing Module – Corporate and Business Management Lecturer : Dr. SAMTA RAI Dated – 14 th Feb, 2011
22Dr. Samta Rai2 LO3: Explain and assess the managerial processes needed to transform strategy into action and to evaluate strategy effectiveness Topic RESOURCING STRATEGY, INCLUDING HUMAN, INFORMATIONAL, FINANCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES
Dr. Samta Rai4 MANAGING PEOPLE People as a resource People and behavior Organising people
Dr. Samta Rai5 Strategy and people STRATEGY PEOPLE AS A RESOURCE Personal and organisational performance Performance management PEOPLE AND BEHAVIOR Personal behaviors Collective behaviors ORGANISING PEOPLE HR Function Line Managers Structures & Processes
Dr. Samta Rai6 PEOPLE AS A RESOURCE Audits to assess HR requirements to support strategies and / or to identify people based core competences on which future strategies might be built. Goal setting and performance assessment of individuals and teams. In many organisations the planning of rewards has had to take on board the reality of more team working in delivering strategy. Highly geared individual incentives ( often found in sales forces) may undermine this teamwork.
Dr. Samta Rai7 Recruitment & retention are key ways of improving strategic capability. Many training and development plans have reduced the use of formal programmes in favor of more coaching and mentoring to support self-development.
Dr. Samta Rai8 PEOPLE AND BEHAVIOR This requires – Understanding the relationship between behaviors and strategic choices. ( pls read organisational culture in this context) Being realistic about the difficulty and time-scales in achieving behavior changes. Being able to vary their style of managing change with different circumstances.
Dr. Samta Rai10
Dr. Samta Rai11 ORGANISING PEOPLE The HR function. There are four broad roles that an HR function could fulfill in contributing to successful business strategies. As a service provider, for example, undertaking recruitment or arranging training. As a regulator – setting the rules within which line managers operate, for example on pay and promotions. As an advisor on issues of HR strategy to line managers. As a change agent moving the organisation forward.
Dr. Samta Rai12 THANK YOU ALL