1 Learning through a Dynamic Strategy Tanya Hooper VP Learning Strategy & Planning Michael Killingsworth VP Learning & OE for Upstream International
Learning Journey
July 1 st Shell Learning established 2002
Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization LearnNet Established Centers of Excellence set up (e.g. KID)
4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Efficiency Effectiveness Benchmarked position Building One Learning Organization 2002
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization US$ 430M 37 Approx. 600, Learning facts and figures
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization 2007 Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization Learning strategy strands
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization 2007 Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization Learning strategy strands Annual Senior Business Leader Learning Reviews
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization 2007 Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization Learning Strategy Streams One Learning System Standardized learning review process process Implemented annual standardized senior business leader learning review process across all businesses to help set local and global business priorities and measure impact. Annual Senior Business Leader Learning Reviews
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization 2007 Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization Learning Strategy Streams One Learning System
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization 2007 Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization Learning Strategy Streams One Learning System Standardized learning review process process Blended Learning Number of migrations (major sites / countries): migrations migrations migrations Number of active users 2007 – – One Learning System
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization 2007 Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization Learning Strategy Streams Company and learning reorganization
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Strategy Review in 2009 confirmed direction Close working with KM Company and learning Reorganization Blended Learning Off shoring Event Management Transition 2009 presented us with the opportunity to bring together the full spectrum of learning under a single governance structure, to enable us to respond more quickly and holistically to emerging business challenges. For learning this meant key improvements in: - Governance - Business focus - Transparency of costs and budgets Company and learning reorganization
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization Updated Benchmarking end
4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Efficiency Effectiveness Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization Updated Benchmarking end US$ 430M US$ 268M 13 Approx. 500,000 Approx. 600,000 Learning facts and figures
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Strategy Review in 2009 confirmed direction
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Strategy Review in 2009 confirmed direction Blended Learning
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Strategy Review in 2009 confirmed direction Close working with KM Company and learning Reorganization Blended Learning Off shoring Event Management Example: Before: course traditionally only run in the Hague, using Faculty, 1 classroom + 4 breakout rooms monopolized for 5 days, a full 5 day 10-hour/day program. After blending: max. 10 faculty, 1 classroom, 4 days at 6-8hours per day and now delivered also in Singapore, Qatar and Houston. Blended learning
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Strategy Review in 2009 confirmed direction Maximize Shared Service Center through LA
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Strategy Review in 2009 confirmed direction Close working with KM Company and learning Reorganization Blended Learning Off shoring Event Management Implemented shared service model in Learning Administration (LA): Established 13 global processes on Learning Administration Covers creating, updating, and retiring classes Done by on-shore proximate and Shared Services in Manila Maximize Shared Service Center through LA Self Service Query Advisors in KL, Manila & Krakow HR Busines s Centre & Country HR Shell Learnin g
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey Building One Learning Organization Today Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey 2015 Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Today
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Learning Journey 2015 Building One Learning Organization Today Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Four learning priorities: Competence Management Competence Management Learning Management System Upgrade Learning Management System Upgrade Leadership Refresh Early Career Development Refresh Early Career Development Refresh
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter Key Learnings 2015 Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Drive the change agenda in strong alignment with the business - Alignment along strategy with central and business - Maximize business led change efforts as a catalyst for learning journey Maintain course with regular updates - Prioritization is key: do your plumbing before you build your house - Takes a number of years to make a change really stick (“do not jump to new initiatives every year”) Leverage external and internal best practices to drive the change - Regular benchmarking efforts to assess progress - Learning from other companies Moving from traditional to more non-traditional approaches - Structured shift to blended learning incorporating innovative technologies and methodologies - By doing this we transferred the responsibility from central to the business (e.g. Leaders developing leaders)
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter 2015 Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 One Global Business Driven Learning Agenda
Efficiency Effectiveness 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter 1 st Quarter 2015 Building One Learning Organization Business Alignment Blended Learning Standardization 2002 Questions?
285 November 2010 BACKUPS
295 November 2010 CUX model Learning used the CUX model to assess current state of the learning function and identified five key focus areas for moving to Top Quartile Assessment 2009 LearnNet review 2011 Priorities