Kingdom Protista Mrs. Leary
Facts Eukaryotes – nucleus! Unicellular or simple multicellular Usually feed on bacteria Take food in by endocytosis Some make their own through photosynthesis Food and wastes exchanged through cell membrane
Facts Gas exchange through cell membrane Movement by flagella, cilia, or pseudopodia Very simple muscular system to make them move (contractile fibers) No circulatory system- nutrients and wastes get moved through cytoplasmic streaming
Facts No Skeletal or nervous systems Cell membrane or cell wall covers protists Reproduction both sexual and asexual Asexual – binary fission Sexual - conjugation
Diseases caused by protists Some cause disease Giardia – causes diarrhea plasmodium – malaria (mosquitoes) trypanosoma – African sleeping sickness (tsetse fly) amoebic dysentery – diarrhea
Examples Protozoans: animal-like Algae: plant-like Myxomycota (slime molds)- fungus-like Seaweed Paramecium Amoeba Euglena Slime molds Dinoflagellates