Illegal turnover of plant protection products of unknown origin. captain Krzysztof Kot GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Overview: role and tasks of the policerole and tasks of the police structure of the police unitsstructure of the police units penal and other regulationspenal and other regulations criminal activitiescriminal activities crime methodscrime methods cooperationcooperation GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Police role Under the Police Act (April 10, 1990, law gazzette No. 43 item 277), the police is obliged to undertake measures aimed at detecting and investigating crimes and their offenders. The police deal with crimes related to illegal turnover of plant protection products of unknown origin. GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Police tasks in combating illegal turnover of plant protection products detection of the crimedetection of the crime investigaion of the crimeinvestigaion of the crime combating illegal turnovercombating illegal turnover cooperation with other agenciescooperation with other agencies GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Penal regulations Art. 270 Penal code § 1. Whoever, in order to use as authentic, forges or fakesdocument or uses as authentic, shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 3 months and 5 years. Art. 270 Penal code § 1. Whoever, in order to use as authentic, forges or fakes document or uses as authentic, shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 3 months and 5 years. Art. 165 Penal code § 1. Whoeverbrings about danger to lives or health of many people or danger to property on a large scale: 2) producing or putting into turnover substancesharmful to health, foodstuffs or another goods for public use as well as pharmaceutical goods unsuitable to binding quality conditions shall be subject tothe penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 6 months and 8 years. Art. 165 Penal code § 1. Whoever brings about danger to lives or health of many people or danger to property on a large scale: 2) producing or putting into turnover substances harmful to health, foodstuffs or another goods for public use as well as pharmaceutical goods unsuitable to binding quality conditions shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 6 months and 8 years. GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Penal regulations Article 182 Penal code § 1. Whoever pollutes the water, air or ground with a substance or contaminates with ionising radiation in such quantities or form that it could endanger the life or health of many persons or cause destruction to plant and animal life of considerable dimensions shall be subject to the penalty of the deprivation of liberty for a term of between 3 months and 5 years. Art. 306 Penal code. Whoever removes, forges or fakes identification marks, production or expiry date of a good or device, shall be subject to the penalty of the deprivation of liberty for a term of to up to 3 years. GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Penal regulations Art. 24 Unfair Competition Act. Whoever, with the use of technical measures of reproduction, duplicates outer form of product or a in a such way, creating posibilities to mislead clients about a producer or a product identity, which does serious damage to a entrepreneur, shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term up to 2 years. Art. 24 Unfair Competition Act. Whoever, with the use of technical measures of reproduction, duplicates outer form of product or puts into turnover a product duplicated in a such way, creating posibilities to mislead clients about a producer or a product identity, which does serious damage to a entrepreneur, shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term up to 2 years. Art. 305 Trademark Act 1. Whoever, in order to put into turnover, marks goods with forged trademark, registrated trademark, which they have no right to use, or makes turnover of goods marked with such trademarks, shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term up to 2 years. GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Other regulations Art.108 Nature Preservation Act § 1. Whoever sells unauthorizedplant protection products - withdraws them from turnover at their own expense and pays into the account of relevantregional Environmental Protection Inspectorate regarding the place of seat or place of residence, sanction chargeequivalent to 200 % of the amount of value of sold plant protection productsaccording to their sale price from the issued sale document. Art.108 Nature Preservation Act § 1. Whoever sells unauthorized plant protection products - withdraws them from turnover at their own expense and pays into the account of relevant regional Environmental Protection Inspectorate regarding the place of seat or place of residence, sanction charge equivalent to 200 % of the amount of value of sold plant protection products according to their sale price from the issued sale document. § 2. Whoever engages in turnover or trade in plant protection products without registration entry- pays into the account of relevantregional Environmental Protection Inspectorateregarding the place of seat or place of residence, sanction chargeequivalent to he amount of zlotys. § 2. Whoever engages in turnover or trade in plant protection products without registration entry- pays into the account of relevant regional Environmental Protection Inspectorate regarding the place of seat or place of residence, sanction charge equivalent to he amount of zlotys. GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Criminal activities trade in illegal plant protection productstrade in illegal plant protection products smugglingsmuggling unauthorized transportunauthorized transport improper storageimproper storage legalizationlegalization fraudsfrauds pollution (plant, water, air, soil)pollution (plant, water, air, soil) GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Methods of criminal activities (modus operandi) forgery of the labels of plant protection preparationsforgery of the labels of plant protection preparations faking the content of plant protection preparationsfaking the content of plant protection preparations tax an financial fraudtax an financial fraud forgery of documents of originforgery of documents of origin smuggling – organized crimesmuggling – organized crime GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Cooperation with agencies Customs ServicesCustoms Services Border GuardBorder Guard Environmental Protection InspectoratesEnvironmental Protection Inspectorates Ministry of Finance (Customs services, tax offices)Ministry of Finance (Customs services, tax offices) Ministry of AgricultureMinistry of Agriculture GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
Cooperation with agencies/ bodies Plant Protection and Fertilizers Inspection Department (PIORiN/ WIORiN)Plant Protection and Fertilizers Inspection Department (PIORiN/ WIORiN) Companies– the trademark ownersCompanies– the trademark owners Health Inspection Department (PIS)Health Inspection Department (PIS) Trading Standards Department (PIH)Trading Standards Department (PIH) Scientific research institutesScientific research institutes GENERAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS CRIMINAL BUREAU
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