Malaria By: Kaylee Lemasters, Nick Sinley, and Zaid Omar Al-Shobaki
Type of disease The only known name we use for Malaria is simply, Malaria.
Description It is a parasitic disease that involves high fevers, shaking chills, flu-like symptoms, and anemia. Malaria is caused by the bites of Anopheles mosquitoes. After becoming infected, the parasites travel through the bloodstream to the liver and infect the red blood cells.
History Has been noted for over 4,000 years Killed many people in ancient China and Greece In 1897, a man named Ronald Ross, discovered that misquotes transmit the malaria virus from human to human
Symptoms The symptoms of Malaria include: Anemia Bloody Stools Chills Coma Convulsions Fever/headache Jaundice Muscle pain Nausea/vomiting/sweating
Transmission Mosquitoes transmit the disease from person to person, also from one bird to another
Where it Originated First noted in Greece and China over 4,000 years ago
Cures/Treatments Two important used antimalarial drugs are derived from the qinghao plant and the cinchona tree These items are artemisinin and quinine
Video of how the parasite spreads er_detailpage&v=JhfcHxHvXOg#t=1s
Works Cited CDC,. "CDC - Malaria." CDC. Global Health - Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria, Web. 26 Feb (CDC) MMVMeds4Malaria,. The Malaria Lifecycle - Mosquito Stages video. youtubeWeb. 26 Feb 2013 (MMVMeds4Malaria)