Grammar Guru Training: Eight Basic Parts of Speech
Nouns Verbs Pronouns Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions Conjunctions Interjections The Eight Parts of Speech:
Nouns A noun is the name of a person, place, thing or idea: Mr. Ditson classroom pens happiness Grammar Guru Mission: Write one noun on your paper and label it “noun”.
Grammar Guru Mission: To the left of your noun, write a word that describes it. These words are ADJECTIVES.
Adjectives Adjectives modify or limit the meaning of a noun or pronoun. An adjective tells what kind, which one, how many or how much. What Kind?Which One?How Many?How Much? famous songthis starthree friendssome music green lightthese wordsseveral yearsless energy Guru Mission: Look at your noun/adjective pair. Give them something to do. Write the word for what they are doing to the right of the noun.
These words are Verbs A verb expresses a physical or mental action or a state of being: marchesexpectspassedprotested was debatedpushedis are being lookfeel appear becomeremain
Grammar Guru Mission: List how your words do something. Example: expert ninjas write quietly.
These words are Adverbs. Adverbs modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb. The orchestra waited until the auditorium grew completely quiet. (The adverb completely modifies the adjective quiet.)
Adverbs can be catalogued in four basic ways: time, place, manner and degree. Time: Tell when, how often, and how longtoday, yesterday, daily, weekly, briefly, eternally Place: Tell where, to where, and from wherehere, there, nearby, yonder, backward, forward Manner: Tell how something is doneprecisely, regularly, smoothly, well Degree: Tell how much or how littlesubstantially, greatly, entirely, partly, too
Pronouns A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun: I me we us you he him she her they them mine hers his theirs its yoursmyherselfmyself
Grammar Guru mission: Identify the pronoun that matches your noun. Example: Ninjas write quietly. Pronoun = They.
Prepositions Prepositions show the relationship between the nouns or pronoun and another word in the same sentence: Expert ninjas write quietly in the classroom. ”In" is a preposition that implies a relationship: Where to they write? In the classroom.
Conjunctions A conjunction connects words or groups of words: and but for nor or so yet after although as because before until when whereas while
Look at the teacher and students. They are writing quietly in the classroom.
Interjections An interjection is a word or phrase used to express emotion. A strong interjection is followed by an exclamation point. A mild interjection is often set off by commas: Yikes! Our project is due tomorrow. Well, where should we start?
Grammar Guru Mission: Add a sentence to your word grouping. Use an interjection, the pronoun you identified and a conjunction. Look at the teacher and students. Wow! They are writing quietly in the classroom.
Something is missing…. What about these words? a anthe These are called articles. Only these three words are articles.