The New England settlers were P.U.R.I.T.A.N. Key Questions: What were the characteristics of the people called “Puritans?” Why did they come to America? How did they govern themselves?
P. Puritans persecuted in Europe Puritans wanted to “purify” the Anglican Church of its corruptions. Charles I persecuted all dissenters, especially the Puritans.
U. Under Mayflower Compact Signed November 11, 1620 Agreed on how they would govern themselves Founded a new colony “for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian faith, and the Honour of our King and Country.”
R. Religious freedom sought
I. Intolerant of others Everyone was forced to worship. Dissenters such as Roger Williams (Providence, Rhode Island) and Anne Hutchinson were banished.
T. Town meetings (direct democracy) Adult males in each town voted on most new laws The Massachusetts General Court was also established
A. Are hard working and thrifty Calvinists believed you should work hard in all you do “for God“ Thrifty—meant they saved and were wise with money
N. New England Puritans settled primarily in New England (Boston) “Great Migration” in the 1630s --led by John Winthrop