Welcome to Curriculum Night! Vaughn & Hudson – 5 th Grade,
Communication Regular two-way communication Allow at least a 24 -hour response time Student agendas Friday Folders Blogs Remind 101 ParentVue: Please sign up TONIGHT!
Academic Matters: Math Workshop (including Number Talks) Writer’s Workshop (Implementation of Lucy Calkins Writing Program) Reader’s Workshop Online Textbooks Homework (Monday-Thursday) Spelling test every Wednesday Data driven instruction
What should my child’s reading level be? Currently- 40 By December they should be at least on a level 50, for the remainder of the school year. *In fifth grade, students are required to read at least 25 books.
Behavior Friday Folders Think Sheet Inability to follow classroom rules results in a mark on the behavior sheet. More than 5 marks for behavior in a nine-week period constitutes an N in the behavior section of the report card and a loss of awards at the end of the year. This includes all specials. More serious behavioral infractions will be followed with a phone call home and/or a trip to the office and a behavior reflection sheet.
Study Habits & Grades Homework is reflected in the study habits section on the report card. Homework, and at home projects, will be given consistently throughout the year. Students will receive a mark in their Friday Folders for each homework assignment missed. More than 5 marks in the Friday Folder for homework in a 9 week period results in an N in the Study Habits section of the report card and a loss of awards at the end of the year. Also, if your child receives an “N” on their report card in any of the specialist classes, they will not be eligible for academic awards at the end of the year!
Study Habits & Grades Continued Grades – Request to Retest form – The grading scale is as follows: A= B = 80 – 89 C = 74 – 79 D = 70 – 73 F = 69 or below Students are to record assignments in their agendas for you to check each night. Parent signatures are required in agendas each night. 5 th grade homework mandate is 50 minutes of written homework PLUS 20 minutes of reading.
Information from Administration o Morning drop off/car pool line begins at 7:20. o Late afternoon check out needs to occur prior to 2:00. From 2:00-2:30, our front office is very busy with dismissal.
Interactive Journals Students have journals in reading, writing, science, social studies, and math. Math journal should come home EVERY night. Includes strategies learned in class Great study guide
Testing IOWA (ITBS)– October 10 th GMAP- Georgia Measures of Achievement and Progress/ End of Grade (EOG) for grades 3-8 and End of Course (EOC) for high school (In place of CRCT) - April students must pass both the reading and math portions to be promoted to 6 th grade SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) - computer generated reading test given three times a year. DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) -reading test is administered every nine weeks (unless your child’s reading level is above a 60)
Health & Safety Dress Code: no shorts or skirts shorter than fingertip, no flip flops on P.E. days, no midriff baring or spaghetti strapped tops Please make sure your child uses deodorant daily…we have P.E. first thing in the morning Please make sure your child attends school daily unless their illness warrants a day at home…fever, etc. Send in a note when your child returns to school after an illness
PE Grading Rubric
THANK YOU! Thank you for coming to curriculum night! I am excited about working with you and your children this year! We’re off to a fantastic start!