Post-Secondary Information
Agenda How to find information about applications, scholarships, financing Post Secondary Information Sessions Transcripts and PSI Reference Letters Helpful hints On-line courses Grad Transitions
Career Center The school’s Career Centre provides a lot of information: 1. Post-Secondary Information – application, admission averages 2. Scholarships 3. Student Loans Ms. Kim: Tuesday, Wednesday and every other Monday Drop in or make an appointment
PW Web Site - Career Centre
Post-Secondary Information Sessions
Scholarships In the PW web site under Students and under #2 post secondary financing, there are scholarship resources available If you type in Scholarship BC on Google, you will be able to find even more resources Posted in the Counselling Suite bulletin board and bulletin board and outside of the office bulletin board
Transcripts Most will be sent electronically through the Student Secure Web Sometimes, you may need a printed copy. If so, order from Ms. Bainbridge (records clerk) in the main office Complete order form and provide proof that transcript is needed 5 school days to process BC and many ON post secondary school do not require transcripts Transcripts come in a signed and sealed envelope which you can not open You are responsible for mailing them View your unofficial transcript at the student secure web. Same place you view your provincial exam marks.
PSI (Post Secondary Institution) (Student Secure Web) What is this? It is away for you to choose which universities will get your transcripts Transcripts will be sent electronically if you make selections This is done through the Student Secure Web Only choose schools you are definitely applying to You can always add but you can’t remove
PSI – Post Secondary Institution (Student Secure Web) Many of you already have an account by checking your exam scores PEN number – when you get your report card – take a pic of your PEN number
How to check your Unofficial Transcript (Students Secure Web)
PSI(Post Secondary Institution) Students may make PSI Selections between October 9 th and July 15 th In addition to selecting one or both options in Section 1 of the PSI Selections Form, you may submit a maximum of 6 selections in Sections 2 and 3 More than 6, fees may apply Students need a Student Secure Web account to gain access to the PSI Selections form Steps: First, Log into your Student Secure Web Then, click on the third one that says “Post Secondary institution Selection
Post Secondary Institutes will communicate with you by Use an with an appropriate name (think long term) Check regularly Create folders to organize Check the bulletin board outside of the office Helpful if a grade 12 student would share bulletin board postings on the grade 12 Facebook group
Reference Letters Allow 3 weeks for completion Complete the “Post Secondary Reference Letter Request Form” that is available on the bulletin board in the counselling suite Attach resume and any important info you want to make me aware of
Helpful hints to Apply to UBC UBC Blog post Start early Final due date end of January (but open now) Major entrance scholarship application date is December 10
Online Courses UBC requires an online course to be 100% complete by Feb. 1, 2015 if you wish to use the online courses in the calculation of your competitive admissions average The online course must show up on your unofficial transcript when you check the Student Secure Web in order for you to self-report the grade in March/April Online courses completed by June 30, 2015 can be used to meet pre- requisite requirements but will not be used in calculations of your competitive admissions average
Have a Plan B Not sure what to do next year? On the low end of admission averages for the university of your choice? Apply to Langara – registration is now open Course selection for Langara is based on when you complete your application. If you apply late you might not get the courses you want. Langara’s tuition is ½ of that of UBC Langara has small class sizes of 30 to 40 students It is possible to successfully transfer to many universities after 1 or 2 years at Langara
Grad Transition (4 credits) Go to PW website, under STUDENT tab choose GRAD TRANSITIONS 5 documents that you can download and/or print regarding Grad Transitions: 1. How to Complete Grad Transitions 2. Requirement #1 - Health Plan (October 1 st, 2015) 3. Requirement #2 - Post Secondary Survey (November 2 nd, 2015) 4. Requirement #3 - Reflection Statement (March 1 st, 2016) 5. Requirement #4 - Community Service (May 3 rd, 2016) At the end of the year, students will receive a final grade of either RM “Requirement Met” or RNM “Requirement Not Met.” Students must have a “Satisfactory” mark on all four assignments in order to earn a grade of RM See Mr. Wilson for questions or me for questions
Conclusion You can do this! Tell yourself often that you can do it The decisions you make now, do not determine what you will do the rest of your life Make a list Put this on your calendar Commit to your plan Revise your plan when the plan isn’t working for you And plan to take care of yourself: sleep, eat, exercise and breathe!