MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart1 LabVIEW integration into the LHC control system The LHCLabVIEW
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart2 Presentation overview Why LabVIEW in the LHC control? What is it used for? How? Can we do better? Can we use CS?
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart3 Why LabVIEW? Post Mortem analysis of transient events is much easier with LV than with Java. Equipment experts are using LV to debug and commission their systems PXI with LV-RT will be used for fast digitisers (8 GS/s), HW and drivers not available in VME. On-line beam diagnostics needs fast software development tool to enable expert operators to quickly understand instabilities, resonances, beam losses, …
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart4 LabVIEW in the LHC control system Java application CMW FESA LabVIEW application LabVIEW RealTime DataSocket server LabVIEW application Central part Equipment diagnostics On-line beam diagnostics lib Data server LabVIEW application Post Mortem analysis
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart5 Post Mortem data analysis stages Individual system tests (QPS, PIC, PC) Hardware Commissioning (powering) Sector tests (octant) LHC commissioning with beam LHC operation with beam
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart6 Quench Protection System check-out Synchronised analog and digital graphs for visual inspection. Analysis of time constants Transition sequence and delay times of digital signals.
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart7 LabVIEW equipment diagnosis CMW wrapper developed at CERN Equipment experts can connect to their equipment bypassing the middle tier FESA is Front-End Software.
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart8 LabVIEW - CMW wrapper Get and Set functions are implemented. Every Get command has 5 different modes: 0 – synchronous 1 – first request is synchronous and all next is asynchronous 2 – asynchronous 3 – subscribe property 4 – unsubscribe property 5 – last value from cache.
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart9 Data exchange Java-LabVIEW The problem: OASIS - observation of analog signals system, difficult to modify. Need for fast programmable signal analysis application (FFT, filters, convolution, correlation,…). Our solution: Connect via NI library to send data to the DataSocket server. Then connect from any LabVIEW application to the DataSocket server to receive the data. Minimum investment: only a Java data interface.
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart10 LabVIEW signal analyser NI DataSocket Server Java LabVIEW data exchange the OASIS example Publish Subscribe OASIS Java data interface Existing NI provided AB/OP devel. AP+MA devel. Legend NI.jar
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart11 Integration of LV-RT and PXI LV-RT on PXI can publish data. Using LV8: network variables. LV control room application merges OASIS and LV-RT data. LabVIEW application DataSocket server
MA CS workshop Adriaan Rijllart12 Questions Can we profit from CS? If yes, how? Should we try DIM? Try LV8?