CRYSTAL METH The Siege is Upon US!
The Country " More than 12 million Americans have tried methamphetamine, and 1.5 million are regular users. A new generation of 'Meth Babies' is choking the foster-care system in many states." - David J. Jefferson, "America's Most Dangerous Drug" Newsweek August 8, 2005
The State “Gordon County is 4 th in the state in meth sentencing since 1999” 2005 Meth Summit.
Our Home - Gordon County 75% to 80% of crimes are related to meth. The Gordon County jail population has been as high as 300 in a jail designed for 104. Most burglaries are by meth users; they trade or sell what they steal to buy and make more drugs.
Our Home - Gordon County 70% of ongoing DFCS cases and 90% of placement issues result from drugs—mostly meth. More and more grandparents are taking care of their grandchildren due to drug abuse - mostly meth.
2004 Gordon County Student Survey 2245 total Students in Grades 6 th – 12 th 6% admitted using crystal meth (14% is a more likely number) Survey by Gordon County Drug Task Force
“Parents that started out being good, once on meth, start neglecting, abusing, and losing their children.” “Parents that started out being good, once on meth, start neglecting, abusing, and losing their children.” Dottie Jarrett, DFCS
“We are a “Drugs Don’t Work” business. We have hired rehabilitated individuals who desire to build a better life and are doing so!” Randall Fox Fox Systems “America is the land of second chances. When the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life” President George Bush 2004 State of the Union Address
“Meth is effecting every service that we offer. It is a scary reality”. “Meth is effecting every service that we offer. It is a scary reality” Judy Howerton, G.C. Health Department.
“CAM has been a driving force – encouraging progress toward the establishment of a drug court in Gordon County.” “CAM has been a driving force – encouraging progress toward the establishment of a drug court in Gordon County.” Scott Smith, Superior Court Judge “Ten year drug court study of second oldest drug court in US (Oregon) shows significantly reduced recidivism for drug court participants...” NPC Research/US Department of Justice/National Association of Drug Court Professionals -August 2007
“CAM played an important role in this year’s Red Ribbon Week. Local business is learning about the meth epidemic and how to deal with it thanks to CAM.” Shawn Mashburn, Chamber of Commerce
“As a former meth addict, I am so thankful to have an organization such as CAM working to prevent others from suffering the pains I endured. I thank God for giving me a new life.” Patches
“There is strength in numbers - CAM and Families Anonymous are instrumental in recovery locally”. “There is strength in numbers - CAM and Families Anonymous are instrumental in recovery locally”. Nancy Weaver, Founding member of CAM
Raven’s Story WWWWW