Thompson - AGU 081 Convective & Wave Signatures in Ozone Profiles in the Equatorial Americas: Views from TC 4 and SHADOZ S. K. Miller 1, Anne M. Thompson 1, A. M. Luzik 1, G. A. Morris 2, A. M. Bryan 2, J. E. Yorks 1,3, B. F. Taubman 1, 4, H. Vömel 5, M. A. Avery 6 1 Pennsylvania State University, Department of Meteorology, Univ Park, PA 2 Valparaiso University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Valparaiso, IN 3 Now at SSAI, Lanham, MD; also at NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 4 Appalachian State University, Department of Chemistry, Boone, NC 5 CU-CIRES and NOAA/GMD; now at Deutscher Wetterdienst, Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg 6 NASA/Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
Thompson - AGU 082 Talk Outline GOAL – Characterize convection at UT/LS (TTL = Tropical Tropopause Layer) with ozone, related data Investigate with TC 4 Observations (July-Aug 2007) –NATIVE, sondes at Las Tablas, Panamá, Costa Rica (CR). Episodes –Correlative DC-8, satellite data; meteorological analyses –Interpret convective signature. Use Laminar Identification (“LID,” Grant et al., 1998; Thompson et al., 2007, 2008). Statistics for TTL Use SHADOZ soundings at San Cristóbal & Paramaribo –For unified “equatorial Americas” view. Multi-year perspective –Investigate seasonal, interannual variability with “GW Index”
Thompson - AGU 083 Sondes & NATIVE in TC 4 - Panamá (7.8N, 80N) Most of TC 4 at San Jose, CR Native “Equatorial Americas” “Clean” MBL – ppb O ppbv CO
Thompson - AGU 084 Convective Signals, 19 July 07 Panamá, Costa Rica Contrast ← ← Convective Detrainment? Higher level of cloud-top In satellite image, below GOES image GOES image (L) OMI NO 2 (Rt) 9-10 km?
Thompson - AGU 085 Convective & Stratospheric Signals: 5 Aug Panamá Sonde & DC-8 Flight RH max in sounding – 5-6 km Stratospheric signs in DC-8 (FAST-OZ) & DACOM at 8-10 km, also in sonde. Drier layer at 3-4 km also possible strat influence N-POL radar image – convection over Las Tablas Costa Rican sonde similar (not shown) ← RH min ← RH max ← T’pause < 4 /8 ← Strat by A/c
Thompson - AGU 086 Quantify Convection (and Stratospheric/ Advective) Influences: Laminar Identification Systematic technique to quantify convective and stratospheric/advective influences in each sonde (Pierce & Grant,1998; Thompson et al, 2007, 2008) Wave activity, inferred from relationships of O 3 - Pot T (θ) “laminae” –Vertical displacements with O 3 -θ correlation = “Gravity wave” –Horizontal displacements, O 3 -θ anti-correlated = “Rossby wave” TC 4 Panamá, CR data offer opportunity to “validate” method FT TTL LS GW RW 19/7 5/8
Thompson - AGU 087 SHADOZ Perspective: TC 4 Sites & Paramaribo, San Cristóbal (Galapagos) Convective Impact – Excitation of Gravity/Kelvin Waves in TTL & LS is pervasive signal in tropical sondes Frequency at Panamá, CR (Left) < San Cristóbal (1S, 99W); same as Paramaribo (6N, 55W; Center) GW activity intensifies after J-J-A. GW frequency for Paramaribo (Right) 30% >60%
Thompson - AGU 088 Waves – General SHADOZ Result Annually averaged GW frequency (Left), RW (Right) Loucks, Thesis, 2007
Thompson - AGU 089 Stay Tuned – In Progress Examine year-to-year differences in “Equatorial Americas” budgets Note Panamá higher O 3 than CR (also San Cristobal) Similar GW activity over Mexico City, Houston (INTEX-B, 2006 [Thompson et al, 2008]) “GW Index” = % O 3 profile (to 20 km) with GW laminae – correlate with typical tropical variables, eg OLR, SOI, IOD
Thompson - AGU 0810 Summary TC 4 Study – Campaign, Localized mechanisms –Laminar ID technique ‘validated’ –Panamá – unique. More O 3 than CR to 20 km and in troposphere. –Convective signatures (and advected pollution or stratospheric segments) prevalent in TC 4 sondes, A/c data. Supported by satellites, cloud imagery, lightning data SHADOZ & TC 4 – Climatology, Global View –LID budgets – systematic approach to site, seasonal, interannual variability in tropical convection value for models, climate studies –Stay tuned – further T/O 3 studies, comparisons of wave index to OLR, SOI, IOD, other parameters.
Thompson - AGU 0811 Bibliography Grant, W. B., et al., Seasonal evolution of total and gravity wave induced laminae in ozonesonde data in the tropics and subtropics, Geophys. Res. Lett. 25, , Loucks, A L., Evaluation of dynamical sources of ozone laminae in the tropical troposphere and tropical tropopause layer, MS Thesis, Penn State Univ., Thompson, A. M., et al.: Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) tropical ozone climatology. 1. Comparison with TOMS and ground-based measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8238, doi: /2001JD000967, Thompson, A. M., et al.: Intercontinental Transport Experiment Ozonesonde Network Study (IONS, 2004): 1. Summertime upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UT/LS) ozone over northeastern North America, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D12S12, doi: /2006JD007441, Thompson, A. M., et al., Tropospheric ozone sources and wave activity over Mexico City and Houston during Milagro/Intercontinental Transport Experiment (INTEX-B) Ozonesonde Network Study, 2006 (IONS-06), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, , Acknowledgments SHADOZ, TC 4 sponsored by NASA’s ACMAP, Aura Validation Programs (M. Kurylo, K. Jucks). SHADOZ supported by NOAA & Meteorological Services, Space Agencies and universities in 20 nations. Thank you for Attention!