G:Objectives What is my new Japanese classroom like? Agenda A:Where is everything? N:What are the rules? A:Who are my classmates? Activity G:What’s the.


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Presentation transcript:

G:Objectives What is my new Japanese classroom like? Agenda A:Where is everything? N:What are the rules? A:Who are my classmates? Activity G:What’s the plan for this week?

カメヤ せんせい What is my new Japanese classroom like?

Where is everything? Pencil sharpener Gomi Recycling Clock Lotion/pencils/paper clips/band aids for you Japanese dictionaries Colored paper, scissors, markers and pencils What is my new Japanese classroom like?

What are the expectations? Breakfast Announcements Late to class (tardy or with a pass) Bathroom pass iPads Cell phones and headphones (ear buds) When you know the teacher wants your attention (and quiet) What is my new Japanese classroom like?

The Plan this week, p. 1 Tues: 50 min. class---Calligraphy! Wed: 45 min. class---Callligraphy! Thurs: Hiragana/katakana test Fri: Bring your iPad to class! What is my new Japanese classroom like?

The Plan this week, p. 2 Tues: 100 min. class---Calligraphy! Wed: No Japanese class Thurs: Hiragana/katakana test Fri: Bring your iPad to class! What is my new Japanese classroom like?

Meet your table パートナー おなまえは なんですか。 何さいですか。 __が すき ですか。 Why did you take Japanese class? Favorite anime and why Favorite and least favorite things about Japanese class so far Hopes and dreams for the future What is my new Japanese classroom like?

G:Objectives What is Japanese Shodo? Agenda A:Review of expectations N:Shodo (Japanese calligraphy) A:Your Shodo art G:How did I do?

This presentation was adapted from Cathy Hart’s calligraphy presentation for 7 th grade found on the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia – Ohio’s website Other sources Shodo Japanese Calligraphy website:

Today we will Learn about a traditional Japanese art form called しょどう (Shodo) Find out why the Japanese started doing Shodo Create original Shodo works of art based on tradition and also expressing your artisistic ideas

The art of shodo began in China and came to Japan in the sixth or seventh century. The methods for making brushes, ink, and paper also came from China. In those ancient days, calligraphy was practiced by the Japanese ruling noble families. Eventually, the art spread among the common people, too. Today calligraphy is an art form to be admired as well as practiced. Shodo is used to create New Year's wishes (kakizome) and is also used in other daily life situations. Tanka panel in Shiojiri

The precise number of characters in existence is disputed. Estimates range from 40,000 to 80,000. Fluency in Chinese requires knowledge of approximately 3000 to 5000 characters, while fluency in Japanese requires knowledge of approximately 2000 to 3000 characters. Junior high students in Japan

Both of these characters mean うま ‘horse’. The lower one is approximately 3000 years old and the upper one is about 1000 years old. Can you see how the older one at the bottom looks like a horse with its mane blowing in the wind? Do you see the four legs and a tail? Of course you can see its eye! How is the more recent one at the top different?

These two characters also have the same meaning. The top one is once again a newer, more abstract version and the lower one is a more ancient version. Can you guess the meaning?

That’s right! It means “child”. Does anyone know what this kanji means? やま

Each character is made up of a number of strokes which must be written in a prescribed order. These kanji meaning “mountain” on the bottom and “fire” on the top combine to mean “volcano”. They were created by fourth graders in Japan.

Compare these three styles Kaisho styleGyosho style Sosho style

Sumi-e paintings often combine calligraphy with art e/index.htmhttp:// e/index.htm

すみ (black ink) すずり (ink stone) ふで (brush) はんし (calligraphy paper) したじき (soft writing pad) ぶんちん (paperweight) Implements Model (for the person across the table)

Fude come in all sizes! Greg holding a giant fude for very large works Kunimoto Hayashi holding a brush used for demonstration

Works of calligraphy are admired for the accurate composition of their characters, of course, but also for the way the brush is handled in their creation, the shading of the ink, and the balanced placement of the characters on the paper. Let’s see what you can do!

Please ask for a ふで (brush) from your table organizer. ふでを ください。

The brush should be held midway between the two ends. Basically use three fingers (your thumb, index finger, and middle finger) to hold it. Rest your ring finger for support, allowing your pinkie to lay naturally. The brush is held upright, with the hand not touching the paper. Holding the Brush Writing in temple book in Asakusa

Posture Sit up straight without leaning on the back of your seat. Don't sit up too close to the desk. Ask for paper from your table organizer. Hold the paper still with the hand you're not using to write with. Students in Columbus Japanese Language School at Granby Elementary かみを かみを ください。

Ask for ink from your table organizer. Ink is “sumi.” Let’s practice by making “yokoga”, horizontal lines on scratch paper. すみを すみを ください。

三 Now let’s do the number “three” on scratch paper…

Now let’s try something a little harder, like the “yama” character which means “mountain”. Students at Columbus Japanese Language School in Worthington

At the left side of the final product the student usually writes his/her grade and name from top to bottom.

Now write your name in hiragana (or katakana if you can) Remember to write your last name first! e.g. Michael Jackson = じゃくそん・まいける

G:Objectives What is Japanese Shodo? Agenda A:Review of expectations N:Shodo (Japanese calligraphy) A:Your Shodo art G:How did I do?

This presentation was adapted from Cathy Hart’s calligraphy presentation for 7 th grade found on the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia – Ohio’s website Other sources Shodo Japanese Calligraphy website:

Freshman: Sophomore Junior Senior Freshman: Sophomore Junior Senior

This student is writing “genki” which means “strong, cheerful, healthy”. Look for calligraphy books in both the school and public libraries if you want to explore further. There are many characters to learn!

G:Objectives Can I write all the hiragana and katakana? いままでのひらがなとカタカナがかけますか。 Can I write all the hiragana and katakana? いままでのひらがなとカタカナがかけますか。 Agenda A:Review hiragana/katakana N:Test A:Pizza G:How well did I do?

れんしゅう Try your HARDEST to REMEMBER katakana in the air. See if your partner can guess them. WRYMHNTSKA ワラヤマハナタサカア リミヒニチシキイ ヲルユムフヌツスクウ レメヘネテセケエ ンロヨモホノトソコオ Can I write all the hiragana and katakana?

テスト Good luck! Can I write all the hiragana and katakana?

G:Objectives How do I type in Japanese? 日本語でどうやってタイピングをしますか。 What are ways to study Japanese with my iPad? How do I type in Japanese? 日本語でどうやってタイピングをしますか。 What are ways to study Japanese with my iPad? Agenda A:Kameya-sensei’s website N:Japanese on your iPad A:Practice typing in Japanese Quizlet, Kahoot G:How well did I do?