Italy The Soviet Union France/Great Britain Poland/Czecho. Hungary Germany Political Experiments in the 1920s
WORTH: Who was Alexandra Kollontai? She was the Russian writer who envisioned a new Soviet family structure with sexual freedom and the equal sharing of tasks SUBJECT: The Soviet Union MAIN
WORTH: Who were Stalin and Trotsky? These two men struggled for control of the Soviet Union after Lenin’s death MAIN SUBJECT: The Soviet Union
WORTH: What was the mutiny of the Baltic Fleet at Kronstadt ? This was the mutiny that threatened the existence of the Communist Soviet Union in MAIN SUBJECT: The Soviet Union
WORTH: What was the Pravda? This was the official newspaper of the Communist party and edited by Bukharin and its name means truth in Russian MAIN SUBJECT: The Soviet Union
WORTH: What was the Comintern? This was the propaganda branch of the Communists that vowed to spread Communism around the world MAIN SUBJECT: The Soviet Union
WORTH: Who was Gabriele D’Annunzio ? He was the ultra-nationalistic Italian writer who seized lands in present day Yugoslavia ( Fiume) SUBJECT: Italy MAIN
WORTH: What was Mussolini’s March on Rome? This was Mussolini’s famous march which brought him to power in Italy in MAIN SUBJECT: Italy
WORTH: What was the Fascist Party? This was the political party of Mussolini MAIN SUBJECT: Italy
WORTH: What was Avanti, later he established his Nationalistic Newspaper called Il Popolo d’Italia This was the name of the of the socialist Newspaper edited by Mussolini MAIN SUBJECT: Italy
WORTH: Who was Giacomo Matteotti? He was the Socialist critic of Mussolini who was assassinated by Fascist terrorist squads in MAIN SUBJECT: Italy
WORTH: Who was Ramsay MacDonald? He became the leader of the first British Labour Party to hold power in Parliament SUBJECT: Great Britain/ France MAIN
WORTH: What was the occupation of the Ruhr Valley in 1923 ? This was the invasive action by the French, which threatened the French economy and alienated the English MAIN SUBJECT: Great Britain/ France
WORTH: What was Sinn Fein, the current leader is Jerry Adams and Martin MacGuinness? This was the extremist Irish Nationalistic political party of Ireland which translates as “ Ourselves alone” from the Gaelic MAIN SUBJECT: Great Britain/ France
WORTH: What was a General Strike ? This occurred in Great Britain in 1926 and later in France and completely shut down the economy for a period of time MAIN SUBJECT: Great Britain/ France
WORTH: What was the Cartel des Gauches? This was the name given to the coalition of leftist political parties in France led by Edouard Herriot in MAIN SUBJECT: Great Britain/ France
WORTH: What were Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia? These were the three countries that formed the “Little Entente” SUBJECT: Poland/Hungary Czechoslovakia MAIN
WORTH: Who was Josef Pilsudski? He was the Polish military leader who staged a military coup in Poland in 1926 and ruled as a dictator until MAIN SUBJECT: Poland/Hungary Czechoslovakia
WORTH: What was Czechoslovakia? This newly created nation in Europe escaped the fate of an authoritarian Dictatorship after World War I MAIN SUBJECT: Poland/Hungary Czechoslovakia
WORTH: What was Yugoslavia, under Alexander I, Romania led by King Carol II, and Bulgaria led by King Boris III? These were the three royal dictatorships established in the Balkans after World War I MAIN SUBJECT: Poland/Hungary Czechoslovakia
WORTH: Who was Engelbert Dollfuss? He was the Christian Socialist in Austria who attempted to steer a political course between the Social Democrats and the German Nazis. ( He was assassinated for his troubles) MAIN SUBJECT: Poland/Hungary Czechoslovakia
WORTH: What was the Weimar Republic where the constitution was written in August 1919? This was the name of the German Republic formed in SUBJECT: Germany MAIN
WORTH: What were the Dawes and Young Plans? These were the two plans instituted by the United States that lowered reparation payments and eventually supervision which allowed the German war machine to revive MAIN SUBJECT: Germany
WORTH: What were the SA or Sturmabteilung ( Storm Troopers) ? This was the name of Hitler’s paramilitary thugs who supported his government and were led by captain Ernst Roehm MAIN SUBJECT: Germany
WORTH: What was Mein Kampf or My Struggle? This was the book written by Adolf Hitler while in prison after his failed coup attempt in the “Munich Beer Hall Putsh.” MAIN SUBJECT: Germany
WORTH: What were the Twenty Five Points? This was the National Socialist Germans Workers Party’s official platform which included the exclusion of the Jews and rejection of the Treaty of Versailles MAIN SUBJECT: Germany