Academic Integrity Policy AHS Policy and Procedures Stacy Schultz
What is Academic Integrity? Integrity is: adherence to moral and ethical principles, soundness of moral character and honesty. "Integrity.", n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. <>. Academic Integrity is: the core set of values and principles that guide honest and responsible educational decisions.
Why do we value this at AHS? Goal with Academic Integrity is to: Foster an environment that supports students in the development of honest and sound moral character at Austin High School. Have students understand the value of doing their own work and being assessed on what they know. With competency (Academic Knowledge); With ownership (Life Skills); With pride (Character).
Academic Integrity is NOT: Cheating Plagiarism
What is Cheating? Cheating is defined as any situation in which a student: Copies another student's homework with or without his/her permission; Copies answers from another student's test or quiz; Is responsible for or participates in the transference of confidential information (e.g. test answers or test/quiz copies) from one class to another; Brings to a testing situation or received during a testing situation without authorization, written information that is pertinent to a test, quiz or class activity. All work submitted for credit in any class at Austin High School is expected to be the original work of the student submitting it. Students who allow their work to be copied (along with the other students involved) will be penalized. Austin Public Schools. Student Handbook. June 2012. Austin High School, Austin, Minnesota.
What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is defined as the borrowing or restating of another person's work and claiming it as your own, without giving credit to the original source. Citing it in your bibliography/works cited page is not enough. Plagiarism can range from copying an entire paper to cutting and pasting specific sentences, paragraphs, or sections. To avoid plagiarizing another person's writing, it is important to acknowledge the source of your information through footnotes, parenthetical citations, and/or in-text citations Austin Public Schools. Student Handbook. June 2012. Austin High School, Austin, Minnesota.
Consequences First Offense Meet with teacher and administrator Complete Ethics Study Guide and view “In the Mix” within five school days Failure = Saturday School to complete ethics study Five school days to complete alternate assessment Unless teacher establishes different time frame Student will initiate retake process Austin Public Schools. Student Handbook. June 2014. Austin High School, Austin, Minnesota.
Consequences Second Offense Meet with teacher and administrator Complete Reflective Essay based upon Ethics Study Guide within five school days Failure = Saturday School to complete reflective essay One Saturday School assigned Five school days to complete alternate assessment Unless teacher establishes different time frame Student will initiate retake process Austin Public Schools. Student Handbook. June 2014. Austin High School, Austin, Minnesota.
Consequences Third Offense Meet with teacher and administrator Complete additional Reflective Essay within five school days Failure = Saturday School to complete reflective essay One Saturday School assigned Five school days to complete alternate assessment Unless teacher establishes different time frame Student will initiate retake process Austin Public Schools. Student Handbook. June 2012. Austin High School, Austin, Minnesota.
Consequences Important Considerations These offenses do not need to occur in the same class or during the same academic year to be considered consecutive offenses. The policy is in effect throughout a student's entire high school career and each offense will progress to the next level. If third offense is in same class, will be dropped from course and receive an “F” for a grade. Austin Public Schools. Student Handbook. June 2012. Austin High School, Austin, Minnesota.
So… What are some strategies that support Academic Integrity?
Access appropriate help by… Working together to devise an answer Helping a friend to find general area in the text where an answer would be found Referring a friend to a resource that helped you to find the answer
What do I say? What do I say when I am asked to violate the Academic Integrity Policy? “I found the answer to that question on page 6.” “I went to the teacher for help on that – you should go and see them.” “What do you think it should be?” “I can’t give you the answer, but I will listen to what you come up with and give you my thoughts.”
What is Academic Integrity? Integrity is: adherence to moral and ethical principles, soundness of moral character and honesty. "Integrity.", n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. <>. Academic Integrity is: the core set of values and principles that guide honest and responsible educational decisions.
Academic Integrity is NOT: Cheating Plagiarism
So… Academic Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching It means showing your knowledge and giving credit where credit is due.
Works Cited Austin Public Schools. Student Handbook. June 2012. Austin High School, Austin, Minnesota. "Integrity.", n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. <>.