14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai THE SYSTEM OF EVALUATION OF USER DEMANDS IN STATISTICS LITHUANIA Algirdas Šemeta Director General Statistics Lithuania
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 2 CONTENT Main indicators of Lithuania System of customer satisfaction surveys Key improvements based on survey results Customer satisfaction index (GCSI) Future developments
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 4 PROCESS ORIENTED MANAGEMENT & CUSTOMER RELATIONS Strategy 2005–2007: Improve & develop provision of information services & satisfy user needs Launch free dissemination system & emphasise web-services Introduce System of Customer satisfaction surveys Calculate Customer satisfaction index (GCSI) Functioning Strategy 2008–2012: Develop System for evaluation of individual user needs Adjust to render individual services Employ CRM to monitor user needs & maintain feedback with survey participants Calculate GCSI for specialised user groups Improve conditions for users of primary data (R & D) Ongoing
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 5 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY PRINCIPLES 1. General public 2. Public administration institutions (inc. municipalities) 3. Students & school children 4. R&D community 5. Media 6. Politicians 7. Business 8. International org. 9. Embassies 10. NGOs 1.Survey objective 2.User-group surveyed 3.Periodicity 4.Survey programme, data collection means & form 5.Anticipated results & usage 6.Feedback with users & possible improvements Target groupsQuestions Regular CoP: 1. Clarity 2. Sufficiency 3. Reliability 4. Relevance National interest: 5. Awareness 6. Quality + Other 4–5 depend on topicality of issues Approach
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 6 Web-related user surveys 1. Web accessibility (monthly, quarterly) 2. Web users registered to Alert-me services (monthly, quarterly) 3. Opinion survey of web visitors (monthly) Importance & impact on improvements SYSTEM OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEYS
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 7 SYSTEM OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEYS (cont.) Outsourced Public opinion polls – annual 1. General Public opinion poll 2. Specialised user group poll (2 a year on rotation, repeated in 2-3 years) Importance & impact on improvements
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 8 SYSTEM OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEYS (cont.) Routine surveys Quarterly 1. Eurostat data users (ESUS) 2. Visitors at Library-bookshop & Visitors‘ corners in Regional offices 3. Incoming user-requests Annual 4. Opinion on statistical publications Importance & impact on improvement ≈
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 9 OUTSOURCED CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEYS, 2005–2008 General Public opinion poll, July, 2005–2008 Specialised: Public administration, Oct.–Nov R&D community, Dec. 2006–Apr Secondary schools, May–June, 2007 Business community, November 2007 Media, 3Q 2008 Public administration, 4 Q 2008
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 10 KEY IMPROVEMENTS BASED ON USER FEEDBACK, 2005–2008 SL Products & services standardised User-related processes set to meet ISO 1901:2001 standard requirements SL website reorganised into dynamic & user-friendly interface: All statistics available in Output DB free More regional statistics loaded in Output DB Personal inflation calculator launched to reflect rising inflation Disabled-friendly website developed Dynamic Advance release calendar programmed Statistical literacy raising plan developed & implementation started CRM module worked out Concept of Official statistics Portal approved Data release & response to requests time shortened
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 11 SHORTENED RELEASE TIME *by calendar DB
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 12 STATISTICS & SOCIETY Daily average visitors of SL website * I–II quarters
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 13 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION INDEX Based on CoP principles Clarity Sufficiency Reliability / trust Relevance Based on national needs Awareness, visibility & image 5 characteristics = GCSI GCSI methodology & formula produced 2007, approved Jan Calculated from replies to 5 regular questions in annual General Public opinion poll since 2005
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 14 GENERAL PUBLIC OPINION POLL 2005–2007 Target group: Population of LT aged 18–65 95 points represent LT Territory: 95 points represent LT July Survey period: July pinion on availability of statistical information, quality, CoP-related principles & user needs. 2. Calculate GCSI Objective: 1. Get opinion on availability of statistical information, quality, CoP-related principles & user needs. 2. Calculate GCSI Standard interview by professional interviewer. Omnibus method Survey method: Standard interview by professional interviewer. Omnibus method 5 constant, 1 quality-related + on topical issues Questions: 5 constant, 1 quality-related + on topical issues
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 15 LOGICS TO EVALUATE GCSI For calculation of index for each question, Customer satisfaction level for each question is calculated Symmetric ranks of replies (positive/negative) used & weights from survey results set Weights for questions set by experts (a group in SL) Higher weight attributed to most important criteria GCSI = weighted average of indices for every question
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 16 General Customer satisfaction 2005–2007
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 17 KEY DEVELOPMENTS – SURVEYS WEB-RELATED SURVEYS Incorporate Ad-hoc focus groups into System of Customer satisfaction surveys to test new web solutions OUTSOURCED SURVEYS Introduce questions to observe relationship of frequency of use, usefulness in private life & decisions in job-related activities Purify target audiences by filtering actual users & concentrate on 2 user blocks: 1. not using statistics – to stimulate usage by means of promotion of services and statistical literacy 2. using statistics – to offer more individualised services, improve quality of products & services, encourage to correctly interpret & use for decision-making ROUTINE SURVEYS Introduce CRM to extract user related information & use it for monitoring & analysis of needs met / not satisfied
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 18 KEY DEVELOPMENTS – GCSI Introduce Customers’ ranking of CoP characteristics to calculate weights for GCSI more thoroughly & Solve trade-offs between them (e.g. Accuracy vs. Timeliness, Accessibility vs. Timeliness, Relevance vs. Accuracy, etc.) Introduce GCSIs calculation for specialised target user groups – apply same methodology, approach & formulas to monitor changes in user behaviour and satisfaction
14 Oct. 2008, IAOS, Shanghai Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics 19 Thank you. Questions are welcome