Chapter 20 When There’s a Problem
Early Miscarriage The spontaneous expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus before it is able to live on the outside. Early miscarriage is usually related to a chromosomal or other genetic abnormality in the embryo. It can also be caused by the mother’s body failing to produce an adequate supply of pregnancy hormones. Some signs and symptoms of this is bleeding with cramps or pain in the center of the lower abdomen or back.
Late Miscarriage Any spontaneous expulsion of a fetus between the end of the first trimester and the 20 th week. The cause of the late miscarriage is usually related to the mother’s health, the condition of her cervix or uterus, her exposure to certain drugs or other toxic substances, or to problems of the placenta. A pink discharge for several days, or a scant brown discharge for several weeks, indicates a threatened discharge. For a threatened late miscarriage, bed rest is often prescribed.
Ectopic Pregnancy Pregnancy that implants outside the uterus, most often in a fallopian tube, usually due to a condition that obstructs or slows the passage of the fertilized egg. Women at risk include those with a history of pelvic inflammatory disease, or tubal surgery as well as smokers. In order to treat this is to go to the hospital immediately.
Gestational Diabetes A temporary form of diabetes in which the body does not produce adequate amounts of insulin to deal with the increased blood sugar of pregnancy. Diabetes, both the kind that begins in pregnancy and the kind that started before conception, is generally not dangerous for either the fetus or the mother if it is controlled. Virtually all of the potential risks associated with diabetes in pregnancy can be eliminated through the scrupulous control of blood sugar levels achieved by good medical and self-care.
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension or Preeclampsia (PIH) A high blood pressure-related condition that begins during pregnancy. Those at greatest risk are women carrying multiple fetuses, women over forty, diabetics, and women who already have chronic high blood pressure.