(c) Lindsay Bradford1 Varying Resource Consumption to achieve Scalable Web Services Lindsay Bradford Centre for Information Technology Innovation
(c) Lindsay Bradford2 Overview Motivation Approaches to Scalability The Approach Selector Prototype Experiments and Results Ongoing and Future Work
(c) Lindsay Bradford3 Scalability Matters Users expect “service on demand” from the Internet - Bhatti et.al Dynamic web content: On the increase – Barford et.al Much harder to scale than static content – Stading et.al Flash crowds a more common occurrence? Consider: fully Internet enabled China mainland, SOAP, WSDL, etc. make programmatic access and automation easier. Allows greater client request traffic.
(c) Lindsay Bradford4 Scalability - Dynamic Content: Static Content: Bottleneck = Bandwidth Dynamic Content: Bottleneck = CPU Dynamic content caching techniques: Active Query Caching -- Remote Proxy applets, mobile code caching partial content at proxy server(s). Data Update Propagation (DUP) -- Local and/or Remote Cached dynamic content fragments re-evaluated once base source data changes. HTML Macro Processing / WEAVE -- Remote Protocol extension to tag static and dynamic parts of response. Static part can then be cached. Remote Cache server constructs complete response.
(c) Lindsay Bradford5 Dynamic Content Caching:
(c) Lindsay Bradford6 The Approach Selector (1): Inspired by ``Multimedia’’ Quality Degradation (dropping to ``user acceptable’’ frames/second under load). Alternative to Dynamic Content Caching. Guiding heuristics: Pick approach that will respond in human acceptable time frame (< 1 second) Prefer more costly approach to less costly where possible. Selector must balance approach generation time against target response time. Limit scope to “Application Programmer” perspective. No modification of supporting technologies (App Servers, etc). What could developers do right now? What limits exist?
(c) Lindsay Bradford7 Why One Second? Why Degrading Approaches? HCI lessons ignored on the Web: –Interest in and perceived quality of site is inversely proportional to response speed. Content makeup (text/graphics mix) has little effect. – Bhatti et.al.
(c) Lindsay Bradford8 The Approach Selector(2):
(c) Lindsay Bradford9 The Approach Selector(3): Unmodified Apache Tomcat (75 Threads) Approach Selector implemented as ``Servlet Filter’’ Approach Selector Parameters: time_limit = 800ms, reactivation_threshold = 400ms Approaches: 4 instances of a floating-point division servlet, configured to 100, 500, 1000 and 3000 loops.
(c) Lindsay Bradford10 The Test Environment and Traffic Patterns: Response `adequate’ if <= 1 second round-trip recorded at client. –Steady – Responsiveness to constant load –Bursty – Responsiveness to variable load
(c) Lindsay Bradford11 Bursty Pattern Results Unexpected high number of “heavy” approach attempts. Baseline is 3000 loop approach.
(c) Lindsay Bradford12 Steady Pattern Results Again, Unexpected high number of “heavier” approach attempts.
(c) Lindsay Bradford13 Conclusions: Benefit of Approach Selection outweighs its overhead. In both traffic patterns: Returns more responses overall and significantly more within our one second target. An unexpected high number of attempts at more costly approaches resulting in lower adequacy.
(c) Lindsay Bradford14 Ongoing Work: Memory intensive servlet added Similar results to CPU intensive servlet Varied Thread Numbers Traffic pattern and approach matter. Varied Approach Selector Parameters reactivation_threshold matters. time_limit no where near as much.
(c) Lindsay Bradford15 Future Work: New I/O (Database simulation) servlet. Servlet Engine Modification. Servlet specification is too limiting. Changing the Approach Selection Heuristic. Automated approach generation off baseline. Guidelines for automated service adaptation to request traffic.
(c) Lindsay Bradford16 Finish. Questions? Suggestions?