Arts Technology Project by: Brandon Cromwell and DeAngelo Ware
Floor plan Contains 7 rooms: 2 bath 1 living room 1 kitchen 3 bedrooms
Bedroom 1 Peach Clay painted walls total cost $ Includes 1 King size bed Bookcase Sheetrock walls Pure white carpet
Bedroom 2 Tuscan pained walls Contains the basic needs for a bedroom Also known as the guess room Pure white carpet cost- $1832
Bedroom 3 Peach clay painted walls Contains 1 lazy-boy recliner, 1 bookcase, and 1 twin sheetrock walls Total cost $1,832
Bathroom 1 Connected to bedroom1 Contains 1 toilet, sink, and bath tub/shower Smaller than bathroom 2 Peach clay painted walls Marble tile Total cost $1,689.99
Bathroom 2 the “bigger” bathroom Contains a double sink, A hot tub/bath tub, and a king size toilet. Grey scale painted wall Pure marble Tile floors Total cost - $ 1,784
Kitchen Peach clay painted walls 1 stove/oven Marble floors 1 kitchen sink 1 refrigerator 1 dishwasher 1 cater-cornered countertop Total cost- $ 6,327.89
Living room tuscan painted walls 1 large sofa/bed 1 recliner 1 TV stand Pure white carpet floors Total cost- $5,899
Extra info. Most of our furniture was purchased from Home Depot, Ikea, and Roomstogo. Peach clay paint- Marble flooring -