Change Curve Return to meaningful life Normal Functioning Shock & Denial Avoidance Fear Confusion Numbness Blame Anger Anxiety Embarrassment Frustration Irritation Shame Depression & Detachment Overwhelmed Lack of energy Helplessness Dialogue & Bargaining Reaching out to others Desire to tell ones’ story Struggling to find meaning for what has happened Acceptance Exploring options A new plan in place Security Meaning Empowerment Self-esteeme Time C o m p e t e n c e
Change – Order of Acceptance Middle Management Communication Phase Staff communication Just when one group are starting to explore change implications, we should be aware that others see the situation differently DenialCommitment/ acceptance Resistance Exploration Past Future DenialCommitment/ acceptance Resistance Exploration Strategic Management Planning Phase
Change in the Management Cycle Denial Commitment/ acceptance Resistance Exploration Past Future Denial Commitment/ acceptance Resistance Exploration Middle management Communication Phase Staff communication Strategic management Planning phase 2 1 3
Change Model Time Commitment New StateCurrent state Managing resistance WIIFM Leadership Case for change To move people from the current to future state four key areas must be managed
ENABLESClear understandingEmployee AcceptanceNew Way to WorkSupport of ProcessMotivation for ChangeOrderly Progress BUILDING BLOCKS Communicate Change Direction Communicate Case for Change Alter Work Processes Alter Plant / Equipment Alter Performance System Manage as a Project PREVENTSConfusion, Ambiguity Low Interest & Low Priority Continuing Old WayFrustrated EffortsDisregard for ChangeWheeled Efforts Change On target, on time, on budget Big Trouble Off schedule, over budget, Missed target The DNA of Change Sample Roadmap for Managing Change