Before we begin : Short inspections of good schools The frequency of inspection is proportionate to the performance and circumstances of schools. From 1 September 2015, all schools judged to be good at their previous section 5 inspection will receive a one-day short inspection, carried out under section 8, approximately every three years, as long as the quality of education remains good. The separate section 8 handbook explains how these short inspections will be carried out.
Before we begin : The judgements: overall effectiveness effectiveness of leadership and management quality of teaching, learning and assessment personal development, behaviour and welfare outcomes for pupils
Question: What are three core roles of School Governors?
Key Roles of Governors To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction – Strategic Direction Role To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff – Challenge and Supportive Role To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent – Accountability Role
Other important duties to include: Determining how the school's budget is spent Hearing appeals and grievances Forming policy on the school's curriculum and collective worship Setting standards for pupils' behaviour and discipline Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe Setting and monitoring the school's aims and policies
consider: if the GB is carrying out their statutory duties, such as safeguarding, and understand the boundaries of their role as governors 1.Have your governors been appointed to roles? 2. Are you strategic rather than operational? governance is a thinking role not a doing role
Consider : How you ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, including long-term planning (for example, succession) 1. Do you know the School’s Vision? What Impact are you making towards the vision and how do you measure the impact? Update: work effectively with leaders to communicate the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school and develop a culture of ambition
Consider : How you contribute to the school’s self-evaluation and understand its strengths and weaknesses, including the quality of teaching, and reviewing the impact of their own work 1. What are your current priorities? How do you know the milestones against the current priorities? 2. What is the school doing well? 3. Do you as a GB self-evaluate?
Consider : Your understand and take sufficient account of pupil data, particularly their understanding and use of the school data dashboard 1. Do you monitor pupil progress over time? Do you understand the data presented? 2. Are you monitoring different groups? Can you name the different groups? Can you name any additional groups? 3. Do you compare against other data? (National)
Consider : The impact of teaching on learning and progress in different subjects and year groups 1. Do you monitor Performance Related Pay (PRP)? Quality of teaching - Progress of Pupils - PRP 2. What evidence do you need?
Consider : How you provide challenge and hold the headteacher and other senior leaders to account for improving the quality of teaching, pupils’ achievement and pupils’ behaviour and safety, including by using the data dashboard, other progress data, examination outcomes and test results; or whether they hinder school improvement by failing to tackle key concerns or developing their own skills 1. How do you challenge? Table discussion
Update: ensure that assessment information from leaders provides governors with sufficient and accurate information to ask probing questions about outcomes for pupils
Consider: How are you providing support for an effective headteacher 1.How as a GB are you supportive? Update: provide support for an effective headteacher or are hindering school improvement because of a lack of understanding of the issues facing the school
Consider : How are you monitoring performance management systems, including the performance management of the headteacher, to improve teaching, leadership and management 1.Do you have the appointed governors for the HT Performance Appraisal? Update: performance manage the headteacher rigorously
Consider? How you engage with key stakeholders 1.What does this look like? Update: work effectively with leaders to communicate the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school and develop a culture of ambition
Consider: If we are transparent and accountable, including in terms of recruitment of staff, governance structures, attendance at meetings, and contact with parents and carers 1.How do we discharge our accountability? Update: are transparent and accountable, including in recruitment of staff, governance structures, attendance at meetings and contact with parents
Safeguarding In judging the effectiveness of leadership and management, inspectors must also judge whether the school’s arrangements for safeguarding pupils are effective, and whether the governing body ensures that these arrangements are effective. There is detailed guidance on evaluating safeguarding arrangements in ‘Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education, skills settings’
The Value of School Governance 1.Governing bodies make decisions which are in the best interests of the children and young people. Keeping the decision making as close as possible to those that are affected by the decisions makes for sound and efficient leadership and governance. 2.Not only do governors bring their own knowledge and skills to the role, but, in learning how schools are run, they often develop their understanding of leadership. 3.Good Governance contributes to the growth and development of a school and seeing tangible improvements in the attainment (Impact)