Update on ACM Education Board and Council activities Jane Prey and Mehran Sahami ACM Education Board Co-Chairs
Overview New Ed Board/Council Members Update on Scale Conference –Wrap-up of 2014 –Progress on 2015 Planning Priorities for the Future
New Ed Board/Council Members Andrew McGettrick Past Chair –Thanks for many years of service as Chair! New Ed Board members –Lissa Clayborn (CSTA) –Renee Dopplick (ACM Policy) –Beth Hawthorne (Community Colleges) –Chris Stephenson (CSTA Google) New Ed Council members –Valerie Barr (ACM-W) –Barbara Boucher Owens (SIGCAS) –Cameron Wilson (ACM code.org)
Update on Scale conference Scale: new ACM conference –First meeting: March 2014, collocated with SIGCSE –Underwritten by Ed Board (not SIG) Given success of first conference, planning on making this annual meeting Steering Committee formed
Scale in numbers: –194 attendees –38 full papers submitted, 14 accepted (37%) –56 WIP submitted, 37 posters + 5 demos accepted (76%) –Revenue: $119,143; Expenses: $64,965; Surplus: $54,178 Attendees crossed several sub-disciplines of CS –Primary representation: CS education, HCI, and Systems Also attracted attendees form education –Primary representation: learning sciences ACM TOCHI special issue after conference
Scale update: –Collocated with Computer Support of Cooperative Work (CSCW) conference, March in Vancouver, BC –General Chair: Gregor Kiczales (UBC) –Program Chairs: Dan Russell (Google), Bev Woolf (UMass) Rob Miller (MIT) was a PC co-chair, but stepped down for reasons unrelated to the conference –Communications Chair: Ido Roll (UBC) –Opening Keynote: Peter Norvig (Google, Ed Council) –Paper submission deadline: October 22 Sponsorship –Google committed $25K –Also approaching Microsoft, Oracle, and Facebook
Planning Priorities for the Future Everyone list what they think should be four educational priorities for ACM Area we’d like to address (among others): –Making ACM Ed more internationally inclusive –Promoting CS education research –Coordinating with external efforts where appropriate E.g., CS Principles, code.org, CS10K, others –Goals/rationalizations of CS education conferences SIGCSE, ITiCSE, ICER, others –Future computing curricula initiatives –Initiatives in K-12 –Initiatives arising from PACE, ACM-NDC, CCECC, others
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