CMS Masterclass Status countries, 69 institutes New: Universidad de los Andes, Colombia Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico... CenterMasterclassesCountriesVideoconferencesLanguages CERN45159 FNAL24813 Combined Stable product New: H More data Google spreadsheet Portuguese
CMS Masterclasses issues from 2014 Lack of 4-vector info: CMS Open Data. May become available in iSpy-online. Number of events per 2 students: still 100. Mentors can assign only 50, or Remember that doing all 100 is not the goal. Google spreadsheet issues: CIMA is under development and Will require a procedure rewrite.
CIMA: CMS Instrument for Masterclass Analysis Created by Michael Soirin and Stefan Schoppman, Uni Aachen Support from Tom McCauley and Dan Karmgard, Notre Dame A little more like OPloT but students: Enter data into CIMA event-by-event. Build mass plot themselves. Tested first time with students yesterday! Clearly still in development but it works! Like OPloT, CIMA has admin access to set up and edit data tables.
CIMA: CMS Instrument for Masterclass Analysis
CMS Masterclass plans Continue growth. Mostly stable: Same measurement. Only minor changes to website. New: CIMA. Possible improvements in iSpy- online and data organization.
p K 0 s → + - Ξ - →π - Λ→ p IPPOG Masterclasses Meeting | CERN | Despina Hatzifotiadou Looking for strange particles in ALICE
Topics Current status Results presentation Activities involving ALICE strangeness masterclasses Java version Opendata portal IPPOG Masterclasses Meeting | CERN | Despina Hatzifotiadou
Current status : unchanged First Part Students (each group): Visual analysis of 15 events / invariant mass histograms Institute (all groups): Add results / merge histograms / comments Second Part Students (each group): Analyse events in a centrality bin - invariant mass histograms Students (each group): Fit curve/ subtract background-> find number of Λ, anti-Λ and K 0 s Institute (all groups): Calculate yields of each particle type (give initial number of events from which each sample has been extracted; give global efficiency) Calculate strangeness enhancement (ratio of yields normalised to N part ) Strangeness enhancement plots -> To be presented by Institutes for video-conference IPPOG Masterclasses Meeting | CERN | Despina Hatzifotiadou
Username alicemasterclass Password Presentation of results : spreadsheets in googledocs
ALICE strangeness masterclasses activities Masterclass as part of the Swedish Teachers programme at CERN ( in 2 PC rooms at the CERN Training Centre) 28 persons (22 teachers and 6 High School students) Teachers’ Day in Thessaloniki (Greece) scheduled for 27 November 2014 Organised by EKFE (Centre for Laboratory Equipment for Natural Sciences) with support from PLINET (Centre for Information Technology) aim :Testbench for organizing local masterclasses in schools in the future Contacts with many Institutes outside Europe (expanding masterclasses WG) IPPOG Masterclasses Meeting | CERN | Despina Hatzifotiadou
Development of JAVA version..a first version using JAVA developed by Patryk Marsinkowski (from Warsaw University of Technology) with the help of Rafal Sarnecki engineering thesis - February 2014 Basic tools are there ; needs to be completed Implement ALICE geometry Convert data sets (root files -> txt files).... To be continued IPPOG Masterclasses Meeting | CERN | Despina Hatzifotiadou
New opendata portal under construction...for education and research : Fully documented procedure, described at install Virtual Box; create a Virtual Machine configure a Virtual Machine Once this done, you are in an environment where you have both ALICE masterclasses (strangeness and R AA ) a simple program producing P T distributions using released ALICE data Alternative solution for running the masterclasses packages independent of operating system and installation of software tools (ROOT) IPPOG Masterclasses Meeting | CERN | Despina Hatzifotiadou
International Masterclasses: Steering Group Meeting November 6, 2014 Ralf Averbeck 1, Friederike Bock 2, Benjamin Doenigus 1, Yiota Foka 1, Philipp Luettig 3, Kilian Schwarz 1, Reinhard Simon 1, Jochen Thaeder 1 1 ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Darmstadt, 2 Physikalisches Institut, University Heidelberg, 3 Institut für Kernphysik, University Frankfurt ALICE Measurement: Nuclear Modification Factor
R. Averbeck, 15 6/11/2014 ALICE l heavy-ion experiment at the LHC investigation of quark-gluon plasma properties
R. Averbeck, 16 6/11/2014 ALICE, Phys.Rev.Lett. 110(2013) Nuclear modification factor
R. Averbeck, 17 6/11/2014 Visual analysis l count charged particle tracks and ‘measure’ momenta by clicking on tracks in an event display: 1) pp
R. Averbeck, 18 6/11/2014 Visual analysis l count charged particle tracks and ‘measure’ momenta by clicking on tracks in an event display: 1) Pb-Pb
R. Averbeck, 19 6/11/2014 Large scale analysis l ROOT based analysis: l read data from a file, do calculations with these data, and fill histograms with the results l students “write code” (only “cut and paste”) l challenging to complete the full measurement in time share tasks among participating institutes l needs preparation l demonstrates the value/power of collaborative work
R. Averbeck, 20 6/11/2014 International Masterclass 2014 l one session April 1, 2014 l ~60 participants at 4 institutions l Cairo, Egypt l Darmstadt, Germany l Frankfurt, Germany l Prague, Czech Republic l same measurement as in previous years l no technical problems l all groups ‘discovered’ the quark-gluon plasma l positive feedback from all groups
R. Averbeck, 21 6/11/2014 Plans for 2015 l one session: March 13, 2015 l up to now: 4 institutions (one more expected: Cairo, Egypt) l new participant: Münster, Germany l no significant changes of the measurement l software and instructions are available for download in various formats, including a bootable DVD image: