© 2002 Six Sigma Academy Eliminate Waste Reduce Variability Growth Six Sigma Elements Designing products, services, and processes that satisfy both client and business needs at six sigma quality Growth and Innovation Report-Out Questions and Key Concepts The Tollgate Process Use of a tollgate process provides discipline in the development and design of products and services. DFSS methodology allows us to create designs that are six sigma aligning client requirements and business capabilities. Questions for reviewing the Tollgate Process – Do you have a signed charter that identifies the roles of your team and secures leadership commitment? What was your process to gather customer needs. When issuing surveys, what did you communicate to your customers regarding the use of their information? Do you have a project plan? What was your source for competitive benchmarking? What risks did you identify moving between Client Needs and Conceptual Design. What tools did you use to work through the design process to ensure that the best solutions were validated. DFSS Key Concepts The Kano Analysis The Kano Analysis provides A method to classify client wants Into three distinct groupings Delighters, Satisfiers, and One Dimensional wants Pilot new design Confirm Client requirements are met Implement new design V VALIDATE PHASE For the validate stage of your project: DFSS Key Concepts Tollgate #7 Deliverables Implement Design Plans Implement Control Plans Transition plans Capability Flow Up Launch Satisfaction Dissatisfaction Service Dysfunctional Service Fully Functional One- Dimensional Delighters Must Be DMAIC projects often generate DFSS projects AnalyzeMeasureImproveControlDefine MeasureImproveControl DefineAnalyze Design for Six Sigma Yes Is the Improvement a new or redesigned process or service? No Does the process/ product exist? No Yes No Yes Will achieving entitlement accomplish goals? Yes DFSS Key Concepts TRIZ TRIZ is a process of analyzing Contradictions and using a method Of innovation founded in the former Soviet Union in the 1960’s that was Based on investigating millions of Patents to develop an approach to Dealing with the contradiction.
© 2002 Six Sigma Academy Establish the functional requirements Generate the design requirements Develop conceptual designs Develop preliminary designs Evaluate Alternatives D DESIGN PHASE For the design stage of your project: Tollgate #2 Secure leadership commitment Scope project, align resources Establish system of project management Gather the client requirements (CTS) Assess the competition I IDENTIFY PHASE For the identify stage of your project: DFSS Key Concepts Quality Functional Deployment QFD is a systematic methodology that aligns client needs (Voice of the Client) with the design process, which is executed by a multifunctional design team with a specific purpose. Develop detailed design Establish Transfer Functions Predict design performance Simulate design Prepare Control Plan OPTIMIZE PHASE For the optimize stage of your project: Tollgate #5 DFSS Key Concepts The Design Process O Deliverables Project Charter Project Plan Change Plot Gather Client Needs Translate Needs to CTS Translate CTS to Functional Requirements Assess TechnologyTechnology Roadmap Technology Benchmark Competitive Benchmark Financial Analysis Project Risk Assessment Deliverables Concurrent Enterprise Plan Potential Solutions Identified Solutions Evaluation Design FMEA Design Scorecard Change Plot Project Risk Assessment Tollgate #3 Deliverable Systems to Sub-system Flow Down Translate Functional Require- ments into Design Requirements Axiomatic Design Mistake Proof Design Procurement Strategies Change Plot Project Risk Assessment Analytical DOE Supply chain capability study Tollgate #4 Deliverables Experimentation DOE Parameter Design Transfer Functions Established Requirements Flow Down Capability Flow Up Optimize Design Statistical Tolerances Established Change Plot Project Risk Assessment Deliverables Create Test Environment Run Pilot Optimize Design Capability Flow Up Change Plot Project Risk Assessment Reliability Growth Tests Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) test Tollgate#6 Deliverables Tolerance Design Capability Flow Up Change Plot Mistake Proof Service Delivery Poke Yoke Project Risk Assessment Mfg. Transition Plan Lean Procurement Strategies Client Needs Tollgate #1 Conceptual Design Preliminary Design Detail Design Pilot/ Prototype PreProduction PreLaunch Upfront Investment Is Most Effective And Efficient DFSS Key Concepts Survey Design Would you treat a friend or family member like you are about to treat the people in your research? The Ethics of Survey Design requires that the subjects understand how you will use the data.