Taking Stock: Office of Early Childhood Development (OECD) Accomplishments and Opportunities: Results in Brief Diane Schilder, Ed.D. BUILD Consultant
Taking Stock Study Objectives The BUILD Initiative supported a quick turn-around study to support Illinois’ early childhood systems building work. Between late September and early November 2014, Diane Schilder, BUILD consultant, conducted a quick turn-around study with the following objectives: – Obtain key Illinois stakeholder perspectives on the role and impact of the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development (OECD) – Assess the role of the OECD in light of key changes in the national and state early childhood landscape including, but not limited to, the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) grant, the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting program (MIECH-V), and the Preschool Development Grant – Analyze the role of OECD as it compares with other state’s structures to support early childhood policy and programming – Based on analysis of Illinois stakeholder data and lessons learned from other states, propose changes to strengthen the role and structure of OECD 2
Taking Stock Study Questions The study was designed to address the following questions: – What is the perceived impact of OECD? – What do stakeholders perceive to be the current role of OECD? – Does OECD have the structure, authority, and staffing it needs to effectively fulfill its role? – What administrative models and structures would work best for Illinois? – What steps should the state take (if any) to sustain OECD once federal grant funds that support the office are no longer available? 3
Data Collection Activities Data Collection ActivityDescription including number in sample State stakeholder interviews and focus groups 22 individuals participated in interviews or focus groups Document reviewsRTT-ELC application, annual reports, laws, policies, procedures, online materials related to ECE system 4
Key Informants Stakeholders represented five major constituencies: State administrative agency staff (from Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), Department of Human Services (DHS) and Department of Public Health (IDPH) OECD staff Advocates Private providers Foundation representatives and funders 5
Perceived Impact OECD has supported proposals for federal funds: RTT-ELC MIECH-V Preschool expansion 6
Perceived Role OECD role is evolving: Implementing federal initiatives Facilitating cross-systems work Greater clarity needed on roles and responsibilities 7
OECD Structure, Staffing, and Authority OECD structure is what Early Learning Council (ELC) designed Staffing is supported by federal funds and staff support implementation of federal initiatives – Questions exist about sustaining staffing after federal funds and whether staffing is sufficient to support ELC Questions about authority exist – Organizational chart showing authority of OECD vis-à-vis governor, state agency directors, and ELC is needed 8
Structure Nearly all key informants reported that new early childhood agency would be ideal, but capital should not be spent creating new structure currently Minority of key informants suggested OECD should be simply advisory Administrative structure needs greater clarity regarding authority 9
Perspectives on Structure Nearly all key informants reported that new early childhood agency would be ideal, but capital should not be spent creating new structure currently Most key informants recommended greater authority should be given to OECD Minority of key informants suggested OECD should be simply advisory Nearly all key informants reported that greater clarity regarding authority is needed 10
Thank you!!! 11