Click the mouse to continue. Using color for emphasis Color and patterns provide visual interest, emphasize worksheet zones, and indicate where you should enter data or find results.
Click the mouse to continue. Choosing colors or patterns The way you intend to use the worksheet should guide your choice of using colors or patterns. If you print the worksheet in color, or plan to distribute the worksheet electronically, you can take advantage of Excel’s color formatting options. If you do not have a color printer, you can use patterns because it is difficult to predict how colors will appear on a black and white printer.
Click the mouse to continue. Applying patterns and colors 1. Select the cells you want to fill with a pattern or color, click Format on the menu bar, and then click Cells.
Click the mouse to continue. Applying patterns and colors 2. To apply a color to the background of the cells, select a color from the Cell shading palette. You can also select colors by clicking the Fill Color button list arrow on the Formatting toolbar.
Click the mouse to continue. Applying patterns and colors To apply a pattern, click the Pattern list arrow. Select a pattern from the palette. If you want the pattern to appear in color, select a color from the palette.