We are going to start with a liquid and change it to a solid. What is this phase change called? What needs to happen to the energy level in our liquid to make it become a solid? How are we going to change the energy level?
You will be working in groups of 4 2 members of your group will get the ice cream mixture ready. The other 2 members will get the ice and salt mixture ready.
Supplies are on the front table Place in 1 quart size bag 2 cups Milk 1/3 cup sugar 1 tsp. Vanilla
Supplies are in the back Fill a gallon size bag Half full with ice Add ½ cup rock salt
Place Masking Tape over the opening of the bag with your ice cream mixture. This will help to prevent salt water getting into your ice cream.
Place your ice cream bag into the bag that has your ice/salt mixture. Try to get the ice to surround your ice cream bag. Shut the large bag.
Wrap your bag in 5 or 6 sheets of newspaper. Newspaper and tape can be found in the back of the class room.
Use masking tape to secure paper around your bag. Do not be excessive with your tape.
Keep your bag in constant motion for 20 minutes. Shake it Pass it Keep it moving, but be careful you don’t want a hole to form in either bag. (Salt tastes bad!)
After you have kept it moving for 20 minutes it is now time to check and see if your ice cream is done. It should have become a soft solid. If it’s done divide it between the members of your group and enjoy. Cups, napkins, and spoons are located at a lab station on the side of the room.
Put ice/salt mixture in one of the two back sinks. Throw away plastic bags. After you have finished eating your ice cream throw away your cups, spoons, ext. and make sure your table is clean.