English … whether I like it or not ….
A. Jing
Informal Greetings Hi! Hello!
Formal Greetings How are you? Fine. Thank you. How do you do?
- How are you? - How are you doing? - How ya doing? (Informal) - Fine. How about you? - Okay. Thanks.
Hi. Hello. Good Morning. How are you? Fine. How about you? Okay. Thanks.
Some questions and answers we have to check … when we speak …
1. Where are you from? Where you from? X 2. Where have you been? Where did you go? Where you go? X
3. Can you speak Thai? 4. How old are you? 5. Do you eat Thai food? Do you like Thai food?
6. Shall we go now? Let’s go now? 7. Care for a cup of coffee? Do you want to drink coffee? Are you play soccer? X 8. Do you play soccer?
9. I don’t like English? I am not like English X 10. the same same same X
How long you stay Thailand? X 11. How long have you been staying in Thailand? 12. Do you have a girlfriend? You have girlfriend? X
13. What do you do? What about your job ? X You like Thailand yes or no? X 14. Do you like Thailand?
Goodbye, see you again. X BYE. See you later.
Do not say: No. 1. If you are not sure … Say I am not sure. 2. If you don’t understand … Do not say: Yes. / What? Say I beg your pardon.
Saying … “HELLO” and simple “HAND SHAKE” Friendly handshake Hello! Business Handshake Hello! Politician Handshake
This is my friend, Jack. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.
Question and Answer What’s your name? My name is Robert. You can call me Bob.
What is that? Question and Answer That is a bat. …and I am a ghost.
How do you spell fish ? F – I – S – H Please say it again. What is it? It is a fish.