The Red Panda By Ainsley Vogt and Nicole Dickson
What does the Red Panda look like and where does it live? Looks Like The Red Panda is a red- orange color Its tail is striped and at the end of it it’s black It has an extended wrist bone like the Giant Panda. Lives The Red Panda lives in mountains and in tree tops They are found in rainy, high-attitude forests which can be found in China
What does the Red Panda eat? Eats Bamboo Fruit Acorns Roots Grasses
How does the Red Panda reproduce and behave? Behave They’re shy but not when mating Spend their time in trees They’re most active at dawn and dusk Reproduce Female Red Pandas give birth in summer and spring They have 1-4 babies Young Red Pandas stay in nest for 90 days
Interesting Facts about the Red Panda! It’s endangered They are classified with the Giant Panda and the Raccoon Their enemies are the Snow Leopard and the Yellow- Necked Marten We got our information from… /red-panda.html dpanda/Redpandaprintout.shtml nm=Red+Pandas We got our pictures from… us/images/results.aspx?qu=roots&origin=FX #ai:M C | www.