BELL WORK: Bellwork: In 3-5 sentences, On page 21 in your journal write your egg lab analysis. State which solution was hypertonic and which was hypotonic and why your egg shrunk or swelled. Word Bank: Water, Osmosis, permeable, hypotonic, hypertonic.
Quiz Thursday!
Test Next Friday
Essential Question: Why are carbohydrates so important? Set up the next page in your journal… Page: 26 Date: 9-22-15 Title: Carbohydrates Essential Question: Why are carbohydrates so important? Yes, Cornell notes!
Biomolecules (Recap) are found in all living things. are organic compounds. contain the element carbon (C) All living things contain carbon. A substance without carbon is called inorganic. Elements to know: C = carbon N = nitrogen H = hydrogen P = phosphorus O = oxygen
Before we begin… Glue the picture in the top left corner of your notes. You will be referring back to it during today’s lesson!
Carbohydrates….here we go! Structure discovery: For the next minute discuss the following questions at your table: How would you describe the structure (shape) of this biomolecule? What elements are present? What pattern exists among the elements? (hint: count them!)
Structure: typically ring shaped (there are a few exceptions) contains Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen (CHO) have a 1:2:1 ratio (relationship) in the elements. For every 1 Carbon atom, there are 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom
Function: QUICK and IMMEDIATE energy (CAR-bohydrate) contain 4 calories per gram there are fewer bonds to break, so the energy is used up QUICKLY
Examples: Saccharides (sugars) Vegetables Bread Starch end in –ose (glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc) Vegetables Bread Starch
What do we call the pieces of a carbohydrate? Monomer = monosaccharide Monosaccharides bond to form… Polymer = polysaccharide
Monomer: Polymer:
At the bottom of your notes, copy and answer the question below: Why did the flame go out before the marshmallow was completely gone? Use the words carbohydrate, bond, & energy in your answers!
Foldable Time!!! Open your journal to page 27. On the FRONT of the Carbohydrate door, draw a glucose molecule. Be sure to draw all the elements! On the INSIDE of the Carbohydrate door, write TWO functions and FOUR examples. At the bottom of the Monomer box, write the monomer of a carbohydrate. At the bottom of the Polymer box, write the polymer of a carbohydrate. Draw an arrow from the monomer to the polymer.
You are working INDEPENDENTLY (this means by yourself)! Reading & Questions You are working INDEPENDENTLY (this means by yourself)! Read the paragraph and answer the questions. Anything you don’t finish now is HOMEWORK!