Microsoft Project User Group May 2002 – Chapter Meeting Scheduling - Best Practices Initiation and Planning Presented by James Nuthall Brentford Technologies, Inc
© 2002 by Brentford Technologies, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder All Brentford Technologies, Inc. copyrighted products are distributed exclusively by Brentford Technologies, Inc. Danville, California USA TEL: (925)
INITIATION & PLANNING Where are we? Templates Schedule Information Schedule Phases & Methodology Schedule Tasks & Milestones Dates, Dependencies & Resources Base & Resource Calendars Baseline Work & Costs
So Where Are We? Initiating Processes Planning Processes Time Executing Processes Tracking Controlling Processes Closing Processes Level of Activity Here!
Templates Did you use the established project template? Have you updated it to reflect your project?
Properties This is where “static” data can be stored to be used for reporting –Project Name / Title –Project Manager –Project Description
Project Information Did you use the Project “Start date” to control tasks starting at the beginning of the project?
Structure & Text Format If you use a methodology, are all phases represented? Do “only” Summary tasks appear bold?
Project Summary Line How many levels does your plan show? Is the Project Summary line displayed? ID=0
Milestones Are all Milestones identified in your Scope document shown in your schedule? Are the Milestones easily identified both by description and graphically?
Tasks Do task descriptions stand alone? Does each Tasks contain an “active” verb? Does each Task have a deliverable? Have Notes been used?
Tasks Has “Effort Driven” for new tasks been switched off? Is “Effort Driven” on existing tasks turned off?
Start & Finish Dates Do you have any date constraints active?
Dependencies Do all Tasks have a Dependency or a Successor? Do you have any dependencies set on Summary tasks?
Resource Usage / Sheet Have all Tasks had Resources assigned? Have all resources been identified? Have Max Units been updated?
Resource - Summary tasks Are there resources applied on Summary tasks?
Resource – Task Units Have Resource - Units been applied correctly on each Task?
Resource – Costs, etc. Have hourly rates been updated for each resource? Have you developed a resource contact list?
Base Calendar Has the Base Calendar been updated with the Company Holidays?
Calendar – Resource Have all vacations, training classes etc. been applied to each team members calendar?
Resource - Overallocated Are any resources over- allocated?
Baseline Has the Baseline been applied to your schedule?
Project Total Work Does the Total work / cost reflect what was detailed in the Scope document / bid?
Fixed Costs & Expenses Are Fixed Costs being tracked? Are Project Expenses being tracked?
SUMMARY Where are we? Templates Schedule Information Schedule Phases & Methodology Schedule Tasks & Milestones Dates, Dependencies & Resources Base & Resource Calendars Baseline Work & Costs