Formatting a Document Microsoft Word
Add Header and Footer View Header and Footer
Add Header and Footer Your Name Right Align (Ctrl+R or Tab twice) Enter Summary
Formatting your Document File Page Setup Margins Tab Top: 1”; Bottom: 1”; Left: 1”; Right: 1” Click on Paper Size tab Default is Portrait, but double-check.
Formatting your Document Format Paragraph Line Spacing Double (Use the pull-down to get to double.)
Formatting your Document Double-check Font. Reports are written in Times New Roman, and the size is 12 pt unless otherwise specified.
Assignment for Today Type a summary of your Break. What were some of the good things that happened? Requirements: at least 5 sentences All sentences have a different verb. Only one sentence may start with I.
Assignment for Today When you’re finished… Spell-check (F7 or Tools---Spelling and Grammar Print Internet Explorer